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Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow haha cat prison is the only prison I like!!


Oh bugger. That's annoying, especially for stuff like a rehash. Although having said that, there is something therapeutic about telling the same story many times. I think it's like... we get used to telling it, and each time, it's a little less heavy. Well, has been true for me anyway. I hope the session does end up being super helpful and not just a re-telling and then 'oops out of time'.


Aww that sounds so special!! And what a gorgeous memorial for your step-dad 💜


Ahaha oh I wish I could see it!! Puffy Bow, that sounds like maximum adorableness!

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

oooo yes a White Christmas would be so lovely to witness, hoping the weather works in your favour!!! nice, puffer jackets seem like a must haha don't forget some scarves too!! i can imagine how good a nice cup of hot chocolate would be around that time 😍


@Bow so far the write up looks good!! for the part about "I am disappointed that more care and ????" would attention or support be some words you're looking for? or maybe something similar to that?

so proud of you for getting started on this!!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Kitty prison yes! @Jynx  My very non affectionate ginger boy has been rather affectionate since his surgery. 

you know my first thought about having to rehash what happened last week with my psych is if I share it slow enough I won’t have to elaborate too much around all the finer details and the feelings…. Which I hate doing. I think that’s what I am heaps anxious about. Anyways….

yes must stay warm and toasty! I got some clearance winter jumpers on the weekend


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Have you had a white Christmas before @rav3n  have you travelled much? I had a white Christmas in Canada back in 2003. It was so magical! I really hope we get snow… it’s what mum really wants… to experience what her late hubby experienced growing up. 


Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow as in, you think you use slow talking as a way to take up more time in the session, meaning you're less likely to have time to delve deeper or something like that?


Also flicked you an email btw 😊

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yep… that’s sometimes what happens @Jynx  some Days it’s just too hard to find word… it slowly comes out and then times up. That’s why I prefer to write… words just fall out easier. Doesn’t really make sense actually. Maybe I should sit there and pretend to write the words…. 

thanks will go look!

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow hmmm.... I mean, if the sessions are otherwise helpful, you can disregard this but - to my mind, that sounds like it's just not a good match. Like if this psych won't let you use your preferred method of communication, and you end up (whether intentionally or not) basically trying to waste the session by filling it all up with the recounting of events. Is this how it always is with this psych?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sometimes sessions are helpful @Jynx  other times they are not and they are a complete waste of time cause we ain’t a good match. But I have no choice. So I’m stuck. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow no choice of psych, really? That's a pain - we know how important the relationship is!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah, unless I go private @Jynx  which I can’t afford….. at least I don’t think I have a choice. There is 2 psychs on the team that I am on…. Mine… and a male. 

there is another team… with a psych on it that I would much prefer, but yeah. I don’t think I can swap