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Re: Having a hard time

@Fluttershy1 Sorry you are having a hard time, I really hope things get better for you soon. I know what it feels like to not be able to open up to anyone, really hard. You are in a safe space here, people will listen to you. 💜💜💜

Re: Having a hard time

@Fluttershy1  I am glad you are safe, sorry things are so hard for you. 

Re: Having a hard time

Hi @Lilly6 @Zoe7 @jem80 @Snowie @MDT @Meowmy @greenpea @Lee82 @frog @BPDSurvivor @Shaz51 @Judi9877 @outlander -


hope you are all well


Things have been really tough for me lately, it just seems to be getting worse before it gets better. Family issues are still going and only causing more stress and conflict, I'm struggling to keep up with seeing my support team and looking after myself for my mental health, there just has been a lot going on lately.


Ive been isolating myself from everyone just because the stress has been so bad lately, none of my family care and they are just making me feel worse. 

ive been feeling like a mistake, failure and worthless lately, I just feel so alone in how I'm feeling. I just wish people could me more supportive to me and help me through. Not just judge me all the time. 

im over having to act like everything is okay when it isn't my whole world is crumbling apart and it just doesn't seem to stop. 

I really don't know how to feel at the moment I have so much stress going on. I can't even stay present myself. I just keep dissociating and losing track of the time. 

I relapsed in SH the other day because I somehow needed to numb all the emotional pain. I'm safe now though and it was all looked after.


I just feel stuck and alone and numb.


im safe 


@Former-Member - I am safe but if you are worried or concerned you are more than welcome to reply here or email me. I'm safe


@Peregrinefalcon - am safe just another hard day 🙃 

Re: Having a hard time

Hearing you @Fluttershy1 and sending peace. It sounds very tough right now.

Re: Having a hard time

It's horrible @frog

I just wanna hide

Re: Having a hard time

@Fluttershy1 ,


I am travelling in the car at the moment, and I've taken a photo for you.


2B95F5FC-F1F7-403A-9E1E-3078D4BD6488.jpegEven in the darkest moments, the light will soon shine through. Hold tight and wait for it.



Re: Having a hard time

Thanks @BPDSurvivor

that's so sweet of you ❤️

Im struggling today 

Re: Having a hard time

@Fluttershy1 I know how feeling flat is, I hope you can find some relief soon.