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Re: Having a hard time

I bet you are @Fluttershy1 Luckily big operations like that are so much easier these days with all the tech and expertise around them so whilst it is scary take some comfort in that those doing the op are very skilled. 

Re: Having a hard time

I'm feeling like it might not help @Zoe7 

Re: Having a hard time

I think we often go to the negatives straight away because that is what we are used to @Fluttershy1 Turning those thoughts around to 'what will life be like if it does work' - and all the possibilities that brings may help with the anxiety. self questioning and worry.

Re: Having a hard time

I'm trying @Zoe7, my family is making my MH worse at the moment. I feel so alone 

Re: Having a hard time

Hearing you @Fluttershy1 but there is also a time we have to block out all those people and know ourselves. It is not their lives you are living Hon and they are not living yours - you know what you are feeling and how hard it is and if those closest to us do not support or nurture us then we have to find those outlets for ourselves. That may be from MH professionals, here on the forum, friends or other family members. What is importsnt is you and how you are feeling and sometimes in doing that you need to block out what is coming from others - that is no easy task - especially when you are living in the same house - but we all deserve some respect, some time on our own and a place we feel safe.

Re: Having a hard time

Yeah @Zoe7

trying to stay strong

Re: Having a hard time

😁👍💖 @Fluttershy1 

Re: Having a hard time

Can you stay and chat @Zoe7 

Re: Having a hard time

I'm sorry Hon - just heading to bed - need to be up early for work. I hope someone else can sit with you. Maybe have a look around the forum and join in on another thread for somecompany @Fluttershy1 

Re: Having a hard time

Oki @Zoe7