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Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

@hiddenite I have a colouring book myself. I find it really relaxing!

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

The girls psychologist gives them mandalas to take home.
it helps them too.

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hey there @hiddenite Karen

I just want to let you know that you mean a lot to me.

I know that I havn't posted to you directly many times, well just one time I did and I think that worked out well 🙂

The reason why I havn't is obvious, I am a guy and I don't want to be a trigger. However I would like to let you know my thoughts and heart are with you and J daily.

Please be kind to yourself always


I have an 11yo girl and 9yo boy and we love colouring together, textas have been banned !! (another story) we also do 1000 piece jigsaws together, lots of fun and mindful times

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Thank you Matt
every time I answer a post from a man I see it as challenging my opinion that all men are like my husband.

I appreciate the time you took to post.

we love jigsaw puzzles the girls and I are doing a 1000 piece one of horses.
take care

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Oh crap

psychiatrist is on holidays now what!!!!!!

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

i @hiddenite, geeze you are not having a good week are you? well did the psyciatrist leave a number or another person you can see while they are away?


Maybe if you can get to the mental health facility, maybe see a councillor.


Karen i am here if you need to talk, you have been through tough times before, remember i am their in spirit holding your hand.


well i went for my wlak this morning, -1, it was a bit cold, i could not feel my fingers and ears when i got home.


take care



Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hi Jacques
just got back from my walk.

Gee I thought it got cold win today!!!!

I asked if there was anyone else I could see and the only appointment is Wednesday next week with a male psychiatrist. There is no way I can manage that.

so its just another day in the car. I never manage to do things the easy way. So scared of ending up in the public mhu.


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Oh by the way it wasn't the dad I had to worry about today. It was his wife who approached me asking who I thought I was and that im a snob and no better than them!!!!!
My 6 year old had to tell her to leave me alone:(

so humiliated. .. not fair that my daughter had to stick up for me. Im so pathetic and worthless. You can't deny it now.

if only she knew how much im hurting and have no self worth and struggle just to get through a day.

Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Well @hiddenite my angel guess what if you are pathetic so am i, i can't handle confrontation either. Mum has to fight all my fights for me.

You answered you own question, hiw is she to know your background. Sone people do not deserve our time. She is o e of them.

Rememer people can be cruel abd nice. Just focus on the nice ones.

I am sorry their is no one you can see. Have you tried the web site i gave you yesterday? It will list all services in your area. Male and female psycologists

Let me jnow hiw you go.

I am here if you need me.


Re: Despair *potential trigger: abuse*

Hey J

I love the picture of your roses they look beautiful I bet they smell good too.

I tried today to find someone from the web sight but no one near me.

I tried online counseling but they say my trauma is too complex. So sick of hearing that.....

Just doesn't seem to be anyone who handles complex ptsd, anxiety and depression.

And the other stuff I've got going on.

It's tough the girls see a psychologist once a week. Thats a two hour trip. So is their paedatrician.
They are my priority.

Hope you have warmed up by now
