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Re: Depressed

It's a start @Leeanne1 , it's a start.


Go slowly. There aren't many you can stay standing if they've experienced the challenges you have.


You are a fighter. You are powerful. You are you.


Remember that.


My heart goes out to you. You are not alone.

Re: Depressed

Hey @Leeanne1 ,


How are you my dear? What did you get up to today? It's raining a lot on my side. 

Re: Depressed


I spent time with my mother,I was doing my homework and did some knitting 

Re: Depressed

Do you live with your mum @Leeanne1 ? She sounds like your rock at this time?

Re: Depressed


I live by myself, mum lives in a nursing home 

No motivation

I'm feeling depressed and loving my motivation to go what I love doing 

Re: No motivation

Hey my dear @Leeanne1 So good to hear from you. I'm sorry you are feeling depressed and lacking motivation.


Are you still with your mum? Have you been up to any sewing projects?

Re: No motivation


I've made hats on my knitting machine and crochet but I don't do it for long or I do a puzzle at home.i still go to mum's . I just don't have the motivation to keep doing what I love 

Re: No motivation

Hey @Leeanne1 , I'm mindful this has been ongoing for you. Have you spoken to your doc about it?

Re: No motivation


No she won't do anything. I will talk to my counlior Tuesday and see if I can I more time with her