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Something’s not right


Senior Contributor


I'm feeling so depressed and lonely 


Re: Depressed

Hearing you @Leeanne1 ,


I know it's been hard for you recently.


What have you been up to lately?

Re: Depressed


Just knitting now and then 

Re: Depressed

At least you are still doing it here and there @Leeanne1 

Re: Depressed

Hi @Leeanne1 


Nice to meet you. I get lonely at times too.

I have found that turning to these forums have helped a lot. I have made a lot of good connections here. Go take a look at Best Friends Club thread and get involved over there. Lots of friendly members there. Also Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends! 

I am not sure how long you have been around, forgive me. I hope you will feel a little less lonely soon

Senior Contributor

Re: Depressed

I know that feeling very well @Leeanne1, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  I'm sorry you're feeling this way.  Hopefully reaching out here and reading some replies from people can make you feel a little less alone and a little less depressed as a result.

Re: Depressed

Hey @Leeanne1 ! 


How are you my dear? What's been happening?


I'm thinking of you.

Re: Depressed


Trying to stay motivated it's hard. Not eating much don't feel all that hungry.

Re: Depressed

Have you tried speaking to a professional to help you work through some of these challenges @Leeanne1 ?


You deserve to be heard. You are carrying so much.

Re: Depressed


I have spoken to someone and she is helping me though it slowly 😔 

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