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Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

All good @Former-Member 


I thought you were being positive relating with @Kyle1 Hope you are alright with my comment @Kyle1


I use the 3 dots for when I want to speak in casual ... or more stream of consciousness style and not worry about sentence structure or grammar... or even take the mickey out of it.  I think having more white space between words helps me process them ... cos often in my life there has been too much going or too many ... or not enuff words ... anyway thats me.


Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Hi @Appleblossom  and @Kyle1 

I have enjoyed our chat how we express things differently for the same point


I was reminded from a culture I know, the way they answer a question.


If I said to you 


"You didn't bring your lunch today, did you?"


How would you answer that question if you did not bring your lunch?


Think about it before reading further.   Yes or No?


Have  a good think please.


My answer would be No.

Others answer Yes.


Which is correct?

Technically, the question was "you didn't bring lunch"

So the answer is Yes. Yes I did not bring lunch


So I do find it interesting how people write and interpret.


Any input from either?


Kyel1 I do enjoy your posts.





Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Hi @Appleblossom  and @Kyle1 

I have enjoyed our chat how we express things differently for the same point


I was reminded from a culture I know, the way they answer a question.


If I said to you 


"You didn't bring your lunch today, did you?"


How would you answer that question if you did not bring your lunch?


Think about it before reading further.   Yes or No?


Have  a good think please.


My answer would be No.

Others answer Yes.


Which is correct?

Technically, the question was "you didn't bring lunch"

So the answer is Yes. Yes I did not bring lunch


So I do find it interesting how people write and interpret.


Any input from either?


Kyel1 I do enjoy your posts.


I am going to tag @tyme  for an answer too.

Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

yeah,..I definitely would have answered no, I didn't bring lunch @Former-Member 

Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Hi @Kyle1 


It certainly sees a No doesn't it


Kyle1 Can you see how Yes is also correct to some?


It just shows we have to be open, really listen and try to really understand what we hear or read.


Hence I enjoy your posts. They get me thinking!

Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Hi @Appleblossom 

I replied to @Kyle1 


Appleblossom, can you please follow this post IN THE STORM

I asked Kyle1 a question


Now it is your  turn


Can you please answer it to if you want


I was reminded from a culture I know, the way they answer a question.


If I said to you 


"You didn't bring your lunch today, did you?"


How would you answer that question if you did not bring your lunch?


Think about it before reading further.   Yes or No?


Have  a good think please.


My answer would be No.

Others answer Yes.


Which is correct?

Technically, the question was "you didn't bring lunch"

So the answer is Yes. Yes I did not bring lunch


So I do find it interesting how people write and interpret.


Any input from either

Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

@Kyle1 Good to see you


@Former-Member Now my mind is stuck in a reverb between the 2 re the lunch question  .... yes / no / yes / no ...aaah! pain!  do I answer about having the actual lunch ... or agree with the literal meaning in the question ... agreeing that I failed to bring it???


I shift around a lot ... mother tongue not english ... shifting places of residence during childhood made me very careful about getting it right ... not upsetting anybody ...  I can be very literal ... lately ... and it has taken a while I am a lot more intuitive ... but now I have years of study and decades of life and my belt ... Legalese ... may attempt clarity but a huuummmph ... too much small print ... another brain seize.


The lack of clarity in language ... can create many misunderstandings ...partly why I love music ... but I also love language and words and metaphor ... and books.

Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

@Former-Member @Kyle1 


Way back in the forum ... someone posted about people being difficult or waffly and not answering yes or no ... questions ... some people think it is shifty or dodging the question ... but they often have what I call a problem with B&W thinking but also would not go to a counsellor to get their B&W thinking problem diagnosed, cos they do not recogise it as a problem and usually have adequate power for their own needs.


There used to be the old ... KISS  ... rule ... keep it simple ... etc ... 



Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Hi @Appleblossom 

@Kyle1 started a great post!


And l laugh so much, with you, reading your reply with joy!


So tricky.


You talk about Literal.

My friend is vulnerable and trusting and a scammer got them to sign something.

So bad. I pushed "Don't sign Anything!"

I took them to a professional the person had know 17 years. Professional asked them to sign the document. My friend refused saying l said "Don't sign Anything!"  Arghhh.  Does that resonate with you a little?


So l understand your part about being more intuitive.

Sadly the way scammers are, it is so hard. I was scammed with a mobile. No big deal. But it is so hard telling people like you and my friend to be careful when the scammers with Artificial Intelligence coming making it so damn hard.


Your reply lightened my day.

Thank you


Re: Creative Thinking and Mental Health

Hi @Appleblossom 

Thanks for that

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