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Re: Contamination thoughts

@Jynx I think I need something to calm me down. But I hate the sedating effects of PRN.

If I have more caffeine will it calm me and help with migraine pain or make me more agitated and achy?

Re: Contamination thoughts

Ach, I wish I could answer but you know your body better @creative_writer - bout a 50/50 chance either way or is one more likely?


Could be you try caffeine, but if it does end up going south and you end up super agitated, then you have the PRN as backup?

Re: Contamination thoughts

@Jynx I don’t know. I just had some black tea with ginger. I’m not suppose to have more matcha since I’ve already had quite a bit of that, really wanted more. Time will tell what it does. Though I may be feeling a bit more headachy and agitated now

Re: Contamination thoughts

Aww bub! Did you have a particularly taxing day today or these symptoms smacking you outta nowhere @creative_writer?


Time indeed will tell, but you won't be alone for the ride 😉💜

Re: Contamination thoughts

@Jynx I had a very weird night. I woke up all all sudden just after 4am and couldn’t sleep afterwards. Interesting things often happen when one is half asleep.

I’ve just taken PRN

Re: Contamination thoughts

Oh how frustrating @creative_writer and you know I totally feel you - sometimes you have a weird night, and spend the whole next day feeling like... well I jus call it 'left of centre' cos I feel just a bit skewed.


Hopefully that means that a solid night's sleep should help immensely. Fingers crossed!


Got anything you gotta do tonight or you on the chill road now?

Re: Contamination thoughts

@Jynx wee hours of the morning can be plain weird. Sleep is a mystery. From sleep paralysis, to seeing shadows/ghosts to hearing things that are not there.

I do admit part of it may have been my fault, I went on my phone when I couldn’t sleep. I have a zoom drop in which I’m not looking forward to going to but might be helpful for the assignment. I could always go for a few mins if someone else turns up to asks question. I have nothing to ask, I’m hoping someone does rock up, you never know with semester break

Re: Contamination thoughts

@creative_writer yeah so wild hey! Like I remember when I first started getting mild auditory hallucinations when going to bed (just like, snippets of a voice, or it'll sound like a door is slamming in my brain, so weird) I was soooo spun out about it, only to learn it's not that uncommon for humans to get a bit loopy when moving from awake to sleeping.


Ach yeah, sometimes I can't help myself n go on my phone too. Stupid little dopamine drip-feeder 😅


Is that like an informal Q&A or something, rather than a proper class I'm guessing? Can always ask about the way the teacher grades things so you know a bit more about how they operate! Always a handy question 😉

Re: Contamination thoughts

@Jynx I crave dopamine drip-feeders, especially to cope with anxiety. I probably do too much online shopping and online browsing.

It was informal, didn’t really ask anything. Other people had good questions though.

I think my avoidance tendencies are becoming a problem as I’m no longer able to be productive

Re: Contamination thoughts

@creative_writer Yeah you're far from being alone in that! I mean they really are designed that way, I gotta remind myself sometimes that it's okay if I can't fully 'resist my own nature' (i.e. stop looking at the shiny shiny rectangle and go touch grass or something).


Hmm that sounds tricky. Do you find that it is something that will pass soon or you stuck in the stuckness for now?