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1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

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1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hi guys. I'm new here. I've only been diagnosed (well I'm not even really sure about that because not quite sure what the diagnosis is?!) a few weeks ago and started on meds. I went back to my GP today who has now referred me to a psychiatrist because she hasn't come across my symptoms before. I have never been to a psychiatrist and I was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up about what to expect? Any tips on how to prepare myself? I'm kind of nervous because I'm a nurse myself so I'm feeling very vulnerable as the patient for a change. Thanks in advance x

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Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

@Nooks wrote:
Hi guys. I'm new here. I've only been diagnosed (well I'm not even really sure about that because not quite sure what the diagnosis is?!) a few weeks ago and started on meds. I went back to my GP today who has now referred me to a psychiatrist because she hasn't come across my symptoms before. I have never been to a psychiatrist and I was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up about what to expect? Any tips on how to prepare myself? I'm kind of nervous because I'm a nurse myself so I'm feeling very vulnerable as the patient for a change. Thanks in advance x

hello @Former-Member

Welcome to the forums.

I can answer your question generally for you.

There is absolutely nothing to be nervous about even though your reaction is one that most of us would have. Just the unknown and in some cases stereotyping.

Psychiatrists can differ with their styles. They all ask you to talk about yourself. What brought you to the appointment. Symptoms you have experienced. Talk about your life, work, people in your life probably on a parallel to a nurse asking patients questions.

The doctor must have grouped you into a category if they subscribed medication. Depression, anxiety along those lines.

Important thing is that you feel comfortable and safe talking to the psychiatrist. This takes time to build trust so dont feel compelled to tell all at first visit. You can even ask the psychiatrist what style of therapy they use and any questions you have. You will be fine.

There is a thread called introduce yourself here if you havent already posted on there. a good way to have a quick chat with a few people and learn how to get around the site.

good luck on your quest

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hi @Former-Member,

I've been seeing psychiatrists on and off for more than 25 years for bipolar disorder and related mental health problems (anxiety, depression, past trauma). I've also had crohns disease for 35 years and have had many experiences with regular doctors, specialists and hospitals. Also, my mum was a nurse's aide throughout most of her working life.

Personally, I feel I have had better experiences with psychiatrists than with regular doctors. As @Former-Member has said, it's natural for most, if not all of us, to experience anxiety about meeting a new psychiatrist. For me this has subsided after continued visits, but only if a fairly good relationship of trust could be developed with the psychiatrist. I think there is a bit of 'chemistry' involved in this, as there is with all human relationships. If, after some time, I've been unable to feel this with a particular psychiatrist, I have been able to change to find another with whom I can develop a better relationship.

Most of the time for me, the sessions have lasted about half an hour, sometimes less. The first couple of visits has usually involved the psychiatrist taking a summarised life history, including physical and mental health struggles. This is a 'getting to know you' process for them in order to be able to treat me. After that, I have found that the therapy tends to focus more on what is going on my life in the present. I've often found that I've needed to ask to be told what the diagnosis is. It can also take some time of 'getting to know you' before a psychiatrist really wants to state that. Sometimes psychiatrists have not wanted to focus at all on the 'labels' and have been vague about diagnosis with me, so it's not necessarily surprising to me that you are unclear at present on what the diagnosis is.

Psychiatrists on the whole are medical specialists who tend to have the best knowledge of medications that may help our mental health issues. There has also usually been an element of counselling involved. 

I wish you the best on your journey with mental health. Feel free to ask more questions if you would like to know more. Another welcome to the forum.

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Thanks for sharing @Former-Member and @Mazarita I hope I don't have to wait too long for the appointment because I'm nearly at my wits end. I don't know what the hell is happening to me. The worst part is not knowing how I'm going to wake up. Am I going to wake up feeling ok? Will I wake up feeling like a can't breathe and with chest pain? Will I wake up feeling like I'm not actually in my own body and can't even feel my skin properly? Am I going to have awful thoughts of just disgusting and weird stuff flash into my mind over and over again?? Every day is different but every day ends the same - I am so so tired and just exhausted from feeling like this. And then I start thinking am I making this all up to get attention?! But surely not because I am feeling what I am feeling and it feels real. But am I the kind of person the only thinks of myself and therefore this is all just about me and getting some attention?? And there's real people who are really suffering and I'm just crying and crying over nothing

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hello @Former-Member

I would just like to reassure you that you are not self-centred, purely thinking about yourself.

how do I know this? You would not have asked the question if you were.

have you experienced a trauma lately ? A loss?

it is very hard to be told not to worry by someone else.

your appointment will be a discussion between yourself and the psychiatrist. You will be safe perhaps tell him or her how upset about it you are to start the conversation 


Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hi @Former-Member
Ive been to psychiatrists as well. Sometimes there is a wait to get into them though. And as mohill said you arent being self centred by caring for yourself. How can you care for others if your not well yourself. 💕💕💕 big hugs to you
Try some self care the day before and plan something nice for yourself for after the appointment as well. Remember to breathe. Take deep breathes on your way there or as soon as your anxiety starts up

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hey @outlander and @Former-Member thanks for the reply. I haven't had anything traumatic or a loss happen recently which is why I think it's odd my doctor wrote on the referall that I have adjustment disorder. But then she did say she wasn't sure and that's whey she's referring me. I guess I just need to cope between now and then or I have my psychologist appt on Thursday too. I really appreciate everyone's advice because this is all so new to me and I just don't know what to do. I have a pretty good job after 7 yrs uni so I feel like my world that I have worked so hard for is falling apart while I'm waiting for appointments!! And in no way am I saying I think I am better than anyone, please don't think that, it's the opposite I actually think it must be some kind of fluke that I have made it this far in my career and that it's just a matter of time before everyone at my work realises I'm actually rubbish

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

The past can be easily hidden @Former-Member and when it gets exposed again its like rubbing salt in a wound.
Your gp did the right thing for referring you. I think itll be a good idea to hwve a chat about your thoughts and feelings to your psych on thursday as well. You could even ask about the adjustment disorder your gp thinks you may have they might be able to shed some light on it for you as well.
You are most definitely NOT rubbish at all. Its not a fluke either. Youve worked hard and put in the time effort and work to become a nurse. 7 yrs of uni wow you had plenty of chance to pull out but hey guess what you made it and now you have a good job

And also i dont think your saying your better than anyone else. It didn't even cross my mind 💕💕

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

that is just your anxiety talking 

sorry about underlining using ipad

doctors cannot diagnose so ignore

psycologist should be able to give you some strategies to help you up to appointment

Overthinking brings on anxiety

past life has gone   Future has not happened yet  live in now 

distract and calm your breathing as someone else said 

you can do this

and no  more of this calling yourself rubbish allowed okay?


Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Thank you for your kind words @outlander I have been struggling today big time

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