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Re: when is your Birthday

Hello @outlander and @Shaz51

Re: when is your Birthday

When is your birthday @Demi, @Cat23, @Cat2, @Wanttobehappy 

Re: when is your Birthday


Re: when is your Birthday


@Zoe1, @Libra , @ebor0218, @Cracked73, @LostandConfused, @Kerinoel, @SoSad , @bonty04, @Solar, @YellowDay, @Winterz, @Carlachris, @Daigz22, @girlygirl25. @RPatty, @Bluesky1, @June9, @comingup18

I am the Birthday Keeper of the forum and I am looking for everyone`s birthday to celebrate your day weather small or BIG as you like with your friends here , so let me know when your birthday is Heart

Re: when is your Birthday

Hi @Shaz51 😊. My birthday is 9/8/1977 so I've just turned 41. Pretty old but I don't feel it😂! I had an early celebration by going into the city and being in the audience of the AFL footy show called Gameday with me getting my photo with the host Hamish MacLachlan- the brother of the AFL CEO Gil. He was really friendly and very cute! 

Re: when is your Birthday

ah ha next year my dear @Judi9877 Smiley Very Happy

Re: when is your Birthday

thank you @Wanttobehappy Smiley Happy


I am the Birthday Keeper of the forum and I am looking for everyone`s birthday to celebrate your day weather small or BIG as you like with your friends here , so let me know when your birthday is

@pc1954, @Time, @Bill16   @Ghost Heart

Re: when is your Birthday

@Shaz51     23.3.82    ☺

Re: when is your Birthday

thank you @Bill16

hello @Nay69,

Re: when is your Birthday


My birthday is the 2nd October ❤️💐