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Re: catching up

Oh well, the inside for me would have to be basic, just things i could scavange, definatly a fire place, for warmth and cooking, a cosy bed, and just basic tables and chairs, and somewhere for me to do my hobbies. i don't need anything fancy, just something in the middle of no where. i would build it all myself out of whatever timber was available, and rocks i find laying around.

Re: catching up

@Jacques what about wi-fi? That's a basic need right?? I'm secretly just hoping that you'd still be able to hang out with us Forumintes if you were to live in your cabins. Smiley Very Happy

But in all honestly, I love the sounds of you cabin. It sounds like a lovely retreat, getting back to basics. 

Here's what mine would like:


A house in the trees!

Re: catching up

Haha, no, no technology, no computer, no phone, no TV, no contact with the outside world, it is too depressing, it would be nice to chat the the forumites though.


Wow looks nice, a tree house sounds awesome. 


Karen my angel, where are you, please don't push me away, please come and chat. i know you are hurting bad, i am here for you my friend. just reach out to me.

Re: catching up

Hi jacques my house would be next to a river and back onto the oshanassy pipeline walking trail.its timber with solar panels and tank water. Fully self sufficient. Three bedrooms and no neighbour's. You would be able to smell the fresh eucalyptus trees and the sweet smell of the Blackwood.
There would be king parrots to feed. Kookaburras
kockatoo major mitchells. Wombats rabbits deer lizards heaven

Re: catching up

Oh my goodness Karen, i think i like your cabin better, i think i will have to go with that, i will build mine a far way away so you don't need to be bothered by any neighbours 🙂

Re: catching up

sounds lovely @hiddenite - would it be in a warm or cool climate?

Re: catching up

Cool climate backing onto mt donna buang which has snow on it every winter

Re: catching up

Oh Karen, it is beautiful, i just looked at photos of the mountain and the walking trail, OMG what a place to build a cabin, so peaceful, so beautiful.


I have never seen snow, what is it like? soft, hard? how deep does it get? i would love one day to see snow.

Re: catching up

People stil do that sort of thing @Jacques.  My grandfather and his 5 boys built their 1950s weatherboard and then my uncle built a brick alternative artsy place in KingLake.

I had fun looking at building designs with my brother.

In country Victoria I know some people recently put some hay bale places up ...

with just 2 men ... they each helped the other build their own place ... it is easier with 2 ... but my uncle did it on his own ... I visited him in a shack at first with an earthen floor and thought it "artistic".

Re: catching up

Really, i would not think their woudld be any places left to disappear from society, it would be so nice to not have to deal with what people do to each other, and just live a peaceful quiet life, such a beautiful dream.