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Re: catching up

Oh my angel, i know how it is, once you are frozen their is no way to move, every thing just seems to go awry, i have been their Karen, i know how it is, you did well just staying their without passing out, i would have.


Oh My angel, i wish i could help you stop shaking, it is so aweful, please speak to me when you finihs your classes, see if i can hlep calm you down.


Well that nurse must be well trainned, what a thing to say, "just don't think about it", they just don't get it do they, do these people know anything about anxiety, that is all you focus on, when you are threatened you focus on the threat. 


Oh my angel, another tough day, please hold my hand, it is almost over, you are doing so well, i can't imagine how hard it is to go through what you are. my thoughts and wishes are with you my angel. just keep dreaming of that nice sun on your face in your 4X4 along the nice river behind your home. i can almost imagine it Karen, i hope you can too.

Re: catching up

Hi My angel,


I hope your classes are finished and you are in the safety in your room, i am here if you want to talk, or just sit in my sleeping bag, their is plenty of room, and i am willing to share.


you are doing so well KAren, going to the classes when you don't want to, not trying to harm yourself, Karen, you are so strong, i am so proud of you.  


I know you like roses and chocolate my angel, so i thought i would merge the two Smiley Happy

Re: catching up

Karen, i hope you are ok, i know when you are quiet something has happened.  my thoughts are with you my friend, please be safe.  be kind to yourself.


A little hug Smiley Very Happy



Re: catching up

Thank you for the hugs Jacques.
I'll be ik just exhausted.
I wouldnt mind sharing your sleeping bag. Jusst shove me out of the way if I fall asleep.
Goodnight my friend

Re: catching up

Oh thanks for the chocolate flowers do you want to share

Re: catching up

Oh thank you my angel, i was really worried about you, that something had happened.


I know you are exhausted my angel, you are doing so well.  try to get some rest, i will watch over you, no one will be able to hurt you.


Oh Karen, i don't mind if you fall asleep, it will just give me more time to give you a hug.


Oh if you can spare 1 chocolate rose, i would be so greatful Smiley LOL


Good night my angel, only good dreams tonight.



Re: catching up

Morning my angel, 


I hope you are safe this morning, and you managed some rest.


Please remember when you are in your class to breath, maybe write it on the back of your hand, i know it sounds silly, but it is a good reminder when you are feeling scared and detatched.


i do hope you get some releif from the IBS too, i have had it bad this morning, not a good night for me.


Well take care my angel, my thoughts are with you and i can't wait for us to talk again, i miss you.



Re: catching up

Hi Jacques the ibs has just been awful while here the extra pressure I suppose
I'm sorry you had a bad night. Did I hog all the slweping bag. Sorry.
ive been wearing a rubber band on my wrist to remind me that im safe
your idea maybe worth a try.
Im exhausted and my day hasn't started
I hope you have a good day Jacques. In thinking of you

Re: catching up

Oh my angel, 


I do know how it is, i have had IBS bad today, i am shaking so bad and i don't know why, but i am struggling today.


Oh my angel, you take all the sleeping bag you like, i owuld even be ok if you kick me out and keep it all to yourself.


I do hope you managed to write breath on your hand, and i hope the classes where not too stressful.


I know you will be very tired so please only write if you feel up to it. 


I got 1 wall of the loungeroom completely painted, it looks fantastic, just got to paint the skirting boards and 1 wall will be finished.  yay!!!!!


Well my thoughts and wishes are with you today, another day done only 2 more sleeps Karen, just 2 more.


I know you can do it Karen, i have faith in you, you are stronger than you know.



Re: catching up

Thanks Jacques for all the support and help. Its been a difficult day again that man just wont leave me alone.
im sorry about the shaking Jacques. One thing they keep drumming into you is that all the symptoms you are experiencing at sometime in you life it was a way of your body protecting you.
it has to be accepted. .....
you need to tell your body thankyou for the shaking but I dont need it now because I'm safe.

this needs to be done with all your symptoms as they happen.
the more you fight the symptoms the more stuck you will become.
I hope this helps.
Remember thank your body for trying to protect you but you are safe and don't need to shake anymore.

im going to try