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Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister @Sophia1 Yes those people (Actors) were Very Funny.

The Real llife one's are not at all funny - They're Nuts, to put it mildly.....


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Just touching base gang.


And getting things straightened in my little head.


Then having just read @Sophia1  opus I got a bit confused and enlightened at the same time.  You don't have to try and be anyone, just yourself.


As for how the secret Australian garden became a woodland in England...with links back to roman Britain.  Does it really matter, but Sooty, who is quite well read, did some calculations (which Henry as the resident professor should check), but aren't there some sort of unexplained geomagnetic anomalies scattered around the globe, that realign when time and stars are in certain alignments and conjunctions. We can use this excuse whenever we want to move our place to suit a new story line, or not.


I will float this idea out there. A magic or secret garden, or a 100 acre wood land doesn't really matter. Just call it a vale if it helps (it can be magical or not, in England, or Greece). In the future or in the far distant past.


The important thing is this a 'place' enchanted by the people who inhabit it....meaning us - the diverse people in this thread.


I really enjoy random inputs from @Shaz51  and @Appleblossom with pics and memes.  Pictures paint 1000 words. Meaning people contribute as and when they can. No pressure. And sometimes its nice to help those struggling. It's called being a community.


Sometimes we have awful days/weeks, even months...that's fine. I think I should add to @Sophia1 's its a about fun, its also about where you feel comfortable. Meaning no pressure. Keep that in mind, its not all creative  stuff, sometimes it is just hanging and observing and even that is therapeutic. It even means taking breaks - long breaks. MH is like that. 


I will add one last little comment, something I struggled with when I first popped into your thread. You guys are so creative, and vibrant, how could I possibly contribute. No idea who said it, but it was something along the lines, write about what you know about, and what your comfortable with.


I like cats, Sooty was one of my favourites; I know a bit about ancient history, mythology, and a few other esoteric things, so that's where I come from. Just contribute (or just watch) with stuff that your comfortable with. Even just clicking support is a positive.


Bottom line...this is an enchanted thread! 


Sometimes I get too maudlin, like really thoughtful and a bit too existential. Having one of those times. This will be the last D&M for a while, too heavy. Sooty has to start planning archeological digs around the buried treasure, and how he's going to skoff loads of ale with Dolgen and also plot the translocation of 'our place' half way across the planet.


May all your dreams come true, except one.  ☯


Flax 🐈


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hey @Flax 


Love your input. 


Yep strict laws of logic or science do not apply. A little tweaking of rules of reality if fine.


Had a dog called Soot once! Learning to riff and relax is new for me.  Mostly I was too serious so I am very grateful to @Sophia1 for getting this off to a start and gently nudging here and there.


@Adge @HenryX 

am feeling male energy which is kind of good with a Wandering Womb on the loose!

@Shaz51 and whoever feels inclined.

a wandering womb is quite different to rolling stone ....or standing stones ...


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Appleblossom @Flax @Adge @Shaz51 @HenryX @Exoplanet (am not sure if you have had enough trying to follow and wish to stay in one spot which I get...just inviting you so that you know you are always welcome)


Lovely to read some contributions along with support showing that you are reading..


I wrote the "opus" from the top of my head....words just flowed...

some thought at same time went into trying to interweave followers, interests, styles..current situations...personalities...bring individual snippets to a start of a story that might develop or change within itself..


My effort, my input...following along the consenus for  some changes...


I am not a writer; have never written anything like this before... add on responding to others and supporting with not easy..


I am looking forward to read the next instalment...

who would like to start.?..

We can take this wherever each of us chooses to go...

Let's have some fun...



Sophia 1:face_with_rolling_eyes:selkie fowlkselkie fowlk


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

How are my friend @HenryX 


You have had a few heavy days yourself I realise and are possibly practising self care also...

At the end of each day it does boil down to ourselves..whom we often look after last...


I read that you mentioned you had some heavy work to do on your land...

Have you managed to muster some help?


Sophia 1

Selkie fowlk


sending you some sun to warm your day and hear..

orange extending the hand of friendship

green the beautiful connections that nature delivers deep within....calming 

Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello  @Sophia1 @Appleblossom @Flax @Adge @Shaz51 and

 other visitors to this thread


A lovely image, both of the woman and the otter (I believe) together. I enjoy and find the peace expressed and presented, when humans and nature are at ease with each other, to be very soothing.

I think that that concept is even more poignant, for me, since I, like many others around Australia, just presented a commemoration ceremony, respecting the soldiers of involved countries. But, specifically, with regard to one battle at Long Tan in Vietnam, on this day, 55 years ago. The day marks a battle in which more that 270 soldiers from all sides lost their lives and numerous others were wounded.

It saddens me to think that wars seem to be fought to settle arguments, political differences, and territorial acquisition and disputes.

Paradoxically, as has occurred following some other previous conflicts, a mutual respect has developed, leading to harmonious and productive exchanges, politically, economically and socially, between Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. Despite early difficulties, I would like also to see the better side of international relationships celebrated.

While, despite referring to what is a very unpleasant topic, it is not my purpose to bring unpleasantness to the forum, and this thread in particular. Rather, I hope that our play and pantomime here, can be reflective of the life that we would like to see exist and extend into our real world activities, experiences and endeavours.


With Respect and Best Wishes




Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Sophia1 , @Appleblossom , @Flax , @Adge , @Shaz51 

and other visitors to the thread

Your comments this morning, @Sophia1 , saying, “I am not a writer”, in a sense amused me. It appears to me that it is so difficult to know ourselves. Your story line and development appears to be far more spontaneous and free-flowing than mine. You seem to be able to weave in and through the story and, in a sense, give the story substance.

I, on the other hand, seem to take much more time to present ideas. I do enjoy writing and communicating ideas. But I envy the way that you and Flax and others can come forward with responses, or interesting lines for a story. To some degree, most of what I write is based on specific, thoughts, events, and ideas, that I really seem to feel, must be conveyed in a rather structured manner. It is possibly a bit of OCD on display, in my case. And I suppose that we each have our own talents, skills and specialities.

This morning I responded to the lovely image titled “selkie fowlk”, with the woman and the otter (at least I think that it is an otter) In my response, I referred to the soothing affect of humans and nature at ease with each other. The image was in “stark contrast” to the events that were the reason for the commemoration ceremony that I presented this morning, and the people with whom the sentiments of the day were shared. Such events are a reminder of how fragile peace can be. That is such a shame. But to protect peace, I believe, that we need to be aware and conscious of that fragility.

Today also, I talked again with the lady who is the counsellor, to whom I have referred before. It is so frustrating to see the events during life that could have been so different. But, the expression, “It is easy to have 20/20 vision in hindsight” seems to be so peculiarly apt. However, another expression comes to mind “Today is the first day of the rest of my life.” So, to state the bl***ing obvious, “All the time, in which I can do better, is in the future.”

One of the issues, to which you alluded, in your note to me this morning, was the practice of self-care. And it comes to mind, that we cannot look after and care for others, if we ourselves, are not cared for, nurtured and given support. These are aspects that are central to our social structure, but we really have to seek the positives and avoid the negatives, as much as we can.

The work that I have had to do was mainly repairing the fence on the long side of the property. A friend and I have worked together on it. The fence has been re-erected, with just some mortar grouting around the posts required to finish the job. I am able to do that. I was very fortunate to have had the fellow working with me. He knows my limitations and so we worked well together. There is also some work required on the roof and a couple of walls, that I would not be able to do myself. Progress is happening.

Thank you so much for your note this morning, and particularly your comments at the end

"Sophia 1

Selkie fowlk

sending you some sun to warm your day and hear...

orange extending the hand of friendship

green the beautiful connections that nature delivers deep within....calming


With My Very Best Wishes


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Hello @Exoplanet 


Thank you for your support...I am always hesitant to tag people who have stayed in their safe zone ....I of course know this only too well....being drawn back to my safe zone .....check my breath...regulate my breathing...


Would love to have you here if this is a place that you would like to be...

If not tag me over in Exoplanet's journey....


much love 

Sophia 1


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Dear @HenryX  my friend,


Yes, I smiled at your response re story writing...

You praising my style and criticising your own....

Humans are so complex...

It is so easy to allow our mind to self criticise at the same time salute another's talents..


I started rambling about my foggy childhood and the journey of medical labels....then I am not on here for that...


That is a great honour to present a commemoration of a traumatic time 55 years ago. Yes your point about forgiving over the decades and countries coming together is so relevant in any era..

Did you serve in Vietnam? Or is that a period best left alone?....Discussed within the safe realms of therapy...


You spoke about the fragility of so many areas...not just countries all over the world....within friendships....families....ourselves...

There is  a fragility about humans which flows through to the fragility into many other areas.


Living in the now I practise and remind myself at times when my mind wanders back to pain or takes me forward to anxiety...


Writing whether about past present or future, for me is an exercise in an action which is living in the now....writing..


This is what I love about this thread....

This is why I continue to be here..

In the now, writing or reading responses from others...


I love each difference that we all bring to the table...uniqueness is another gift to be treasured and honoured...


Offering a part of ourselves in writing is so rewarding and so wonderful to receive...


For me, allowing my mind to travel is a sense of release.....freedom...from the pain in real life...

I realise that I now need to work hard at not worrying about keeping the thread moving...

That is not my role here..

My  role is to contribute...offer words describing outrageous ideas....or are they outrageous in another level of existence....ha ha...


The image posted before my friend, Henry X , Professor Henry X who you would like to be?

Or would you allow your mind to wander and give yourself your own name...a beginning of your contribution?


Back to the image...yes I do waffle on ...sigh....a sellkie fowlk with her alter the seal...


In Celtic and Norse mythology, selkies (also spelled silkies, sylkies, selchies) or selkie folk (Scots: selkie fowk) meaning 'seal folk' are mythological beings capable of therianthropy, changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin. They are found in folktales and mythology originating from the Northern Isles of Scotland. The folk-tales frequently revolve around female selkies being coerced into relationships with humans by someone stealing and hiding their sealskin, thus exhibiting the tale motif of the swan maiden type. There are counterparts in Faroese and Icelandic folklore that speak of seal-women and seal-skin.


My name within the  story will be Selkie fowlk just to check randomly on your spelling skills ha ha..

Henry you will pass with flying colours as I know your proof read your writing...

My writing rambles from my mind coursing through my limbs down to my fingers out onto the page...


Selkie fowlk loves the sun and emerges during the day...nature of course where can be found...

She is watching quietly different folk and animal life along with other characters born from nature as in gumnut bub that come to life periodically....

This gumnut bub seems to be transported by  an off looking object with moving legs....

Then there is a black cat with slanted green eyes that springs out without any front of her..

She quickly pulls back submerging not quite completely into the sea...

This creature amuses her as it does not seem to do anything that follows the animal law of survival...


What is it?


In another direction a human can  be seen moving between trees using  a stick to write on a piece of bark...

Another human carrying an insect....Do humans eat scorpions?


Then there is a bat? In daytime? struggling to lug a heavy bag with paper falling out everywhere....


Selkie fowlk sinks further back into the sea.....swimming away unnoticed.....

She surfaces elsewhere....

an old cottage set back on a cliff overlooking the sea..

a fire has been lit outside and the glow of the embers is noted....Burn.....ouch...


Selkie fowlk will wait for the sun to move higher in the sky and think  about  emerging fully from the sea....She will need to find a safe place where unnoticed she can morph into her female form hiding her webbed tail.....


💙 A blue heart for the magic that the seas bring to the world.....

@Appleblossom @HenryX @Adge @Flax @Shaz51 


Re: Writing and receiving letters via virtual post

Thank you @Sophia1 


With Love and Best Wishes


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