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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

How long ago did you stop playing netball @Former-Member. Did you play country sport, I'm not sure if you are country or not. My kids play in a country league and it has a good vibe about it. The netbal follows the footy which is a good family atmosphere. I love watching some of the wives hand over the toddlers and babies to their partners after they've come off the field so they can play netball and vice versa. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh @Former-Member are you okay?

Is it your birthday🎁

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

We didn't eat much tonight our oven broke today and my plan went out the window. We can always eat cereal. I'm definitely feeling grateful that we have that option and were not hungry.
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi lisajane, Faith and Hope and Teej. 😀

Yes, a very long walk, Teej. 😀
Happy toilet seat hunting tomorrow, haha!

Dolphins, Hope and Faith, how lovely to see.

Annoying being so tired lisajane, isn't it?

I'm snuggled on the couch, still watching a movie. Fire is on. 😊
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hey @Former-Member

i last played about 5 years ago. yeah we are in the country. i hope that the kids play netty and football one day, but their dad isnt sporty and didnt like me playing.

i wish there was a crystal ball where i could see how the kids will be, if theyll be ok in the long term. 

i dont know. i dont do well with my birthday as it brings up so many other bad memories, but now facing it without my kids tomorrow is just unbearable. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well, I just watched Patch Adams. I hadn't seen it before, now I'm triggered crushed so sad angry
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'll be around if you need @Former-Member. I really wish your birthday had a more positive sentiment. I also wish I had a magic wand for you so you don't have to keep going through all this. The saddest thing is I know you are not alone. I met a lady in the course I was studying last year who appeared to be in an almost identical position to you. I was so moved by her story too. Hearing it repeated and I know there must be heaps of other women in a similar position makes me so angry. it lways makes me want to get on my soap box. I know none of this changes anything for you but know I'll always be around if you need. Sending hugs, best wishes and hoping some birthday vibes reach you💜😊💐🍸🎂🎁🎈🎉🎊

PS @Former-Member. Please know from my many experiences with kids and sport (at one stage my boys played 3 winter sports and three summer sports each - it's how I survived having 4 boys in 5 years) that they don't have to be sporty. They just need the opportunity. I've watched so many kids that struggled as young kids but then see something click in their teens and they become really good at their sport. I've also witnessed the opposite. A couple of mine were really good at sport young and excelled but then never put the effort in and over the years their team mates became better than them through effort. So don't give up with them easily💜😊

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oh no @Angels333 i havent seen it, but i thought it was supposed be a happy movie 😞 



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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds like you are having a difficult time @Angels333. I wish I had a magic wand for you too. Sending hugs💜😊

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @Former-Member

thank you for your words,
