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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hope it is not your kidneys @BlueBay xx

I have only 1 kidney and i have kidney disease stage 4 , my kidney went down to 11% AND now it is stable at 24%

so hope you feel better soon

sending you hugs HeartHeart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow @Shaz51

Has that mean dietary changes for you ?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow - it seems to be a soup type of night for a lot of us!


@Former-Member Great to see you 🙂 I have been coping with early morning yoga. I haven't missed a week in a while. I basically get up 15 mins before I have to leave, jump in my yoga clothes, which I leave out at the end of the bed and I pretty much sleep walk to the yoga studio 🙂 It works!!

Sorry to hear about your fly. @BlueBay is coming down with something too, it seems! I hope you can do some yoga stretches at home somewhere. I'm not sure if you're you're feeling achy, but I find stretches help the most!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello hello!!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello Hello my friend @Crazy_Bug_Lady xx

Yes @Faith-and-Hope and regular blood tests and checkups , got a couple of new things to watch now

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik....

Good on you for getting to yoga - sometimes I get ready in 15 minutes too, haha. I always work out what I think I want to wear the night before. 

The cabin is really too small to put down my mat & practice yoga. I am achey at times - mainly fatigue, running nose & a cough now. Taking painkillers & now an antihistamine. I did a load of overdue laundry today - it was the first day this week that wasn't freezing cold - I might try to start reading The Dressmaker tomorrow - instead of sleeping so much. 

@BlueBay - wishing you health. Enjoy your low key weekend. 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Shaz51

I hope it's not my kidney's as well.  I just don't understand why my BP isn't going down even with my new meds.

Hope you're doing okay

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51

I'm okay today, thanks.

I've had a tough week, I see my psychiatrist on Tuesday.

How about you?

I'm about to watch a movie x

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I don't have much space either @Former-Member I typically do uttanasana (forward bend). I love the stretch from my legs through to my back.. and just dangling down I find really reaxing

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Former-Member xx

Hi @BlueBay, I am doing ok , have up and down days , so Keep warm , drink water xx