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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques, great to see you. So glad to hear you are easing up on the support role and taking some steps to look after yourself first of all.

Hi @CherryBomb, it has been a bad week in the news. I keep my distance from it as a regular practice, just mostly checking headlines daily on the ABC and local news websites. I tend to take a cynical view of the news and find a lot of it to be like propoganda. As you say, it is so sensationalised and conflict based too. Better for my mental health if I keep my distance, I find. A winter solstice festival in the Blue Mountains sounds great. Hope you enjoy it!

Hi @Former-Member, great that you have that friend who brings chicken soup. It no doubt helped you back to your feet today to have that kind of care.

Hi @eth, your frozen dinner does sound super fancy!

Hi to others I haven't tagged, hope your Friday has been okay or better. If not, hugs to you!

My offering for tonight's feast is good ole pizza, a Friday night tradition here. Great local shop, very tasty.

Vegan Cauliflower Pizza

This version above is vegan, which is not what we had, but wanted everyone to be able to share of the virtual feast. Smiley Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello All,

how are you all? I got home from work and crashed for 2 hours! Gosh I am tired at the moment.

I just did a quick sir-fry with rice noodles & tofu - that will do it for me tonight.

Cheerio and have a lovely weekend!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi All 

Prawn and Vegie Soup happening here .....




Have ve you found The Weekly Friday Feast yet @comet ?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Faith-and-Hope, your soups looks yummy, it's definitely the season for it, and yes @comet - come and join the feast!

@Former-Member seems like your body needed a rest. There's a few bugs going around so take rest of your body demands it. 

@Former-Member and @Kurra here's to hoping for better week next week. @Former-Member how is your partner, and how are YOU? Hope you've had some time to yourself this week. 

@Former-Member homemade soups are the best. The pace of this year also frightens me. Time goes faster as you get older, eh?

and hi @Mazarita! That pizza looks amazing. We also have a bit of Friday night tradtion in my household too. Actually had it for my non-virtual dinner.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb

I do try to rest, I just sometimes wonder why I feel so exhausted. Is it the meds or is my head just tired of thinking all the time.

How are you? What are your plans for the weekend?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Heya @Former-Member,

Sounds like it could be a bit of both. I hope you have some time to lay low this week and re-energise. 

I'm good, thanks for asking. Also been feeling pretty flat. Had a few days where I slept heaps - headachy and sore throat. I just did what the body asked. Feeling good now though - just in time for the local Blue Mountains Winter Solstice Festival  Smiley Wink 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone, sorry i am early, not feeling well and thought i would drop by before i go back to bed.


i hope everyones week is going well, i have read somepeople are unwell too, butgs to @PeppiPatty and hubby, i know you are both struggling, and hugs to others doing it tough i read @comet@Decadian@Appleblossom and others where having a rough week.


i thought i would bring some finger food tonight, some corn fritters, it is cold and i thought it would be easier to handle while we where all chatting ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques

nice to see you here.  It is freezing where I am, icy cold with lots of hail. 

Just ate some home made pumpkin soup that my hubby made.  Hope you are doing okay?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @BlueBay, wow ice and hail, it is snowing not far from me, yum pumpkin soup, i hope you had some nice crusty bread to go with it ๐Ÿ˜„

I will be fine, just a UTI i am on antibiotics, so should be fine soon.

Nice to chat again my friend, sorry i have not been able to be around so much
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Pumpkin Soup
free here for all
With Salt & pepper
buttered bread rolls
A nutmeg splash
A swirl of cream
A clump of parsley
Wafting steam
Taste buds drool
How cleaver am I
Belly warm & full
Sleep well tonight