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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Me: Fishless filetts and chips. with a mayo/mustard dip. (nom. nom. nom.)
Beloved: Hot dog and potatoe cakes with tomato sauce.

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

A little parrot, very affectionate, hand raised. Very attached to me - screaming his head off when he can't be with me 🙂
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i used to have a corella, he was beautiful, a rescue but became very tame and affectionate. love birds

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi guys.
Just got home from the farm.
Hope everyone's well.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Feathered babies are adorable! I've got 3 chooks @Former-Member but they haven't started laying yet.
I'd love some strudel @Jacques thank you @CherryBomb
I do find that patting my pooch makes me feel calm. I think of Buster and my son when I'm feeling down, it helps most times. Cats, birds, all pets must be good for mental health, it might be the unconditional love our pets give us? I don't know, just a thought

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

**Serving a slice of struddle to @Nin**

Feathered babies are cute. I've never had one, but living in the Blue Mountains, we have regular feathered friends drop by in our backyard. They're beautiful.

How are you doing @Crazy_Bug_Lady? How's your hefer? For those of you don't know @Crazy_Bug_Lady, she's got some interesting pets... of the six and eight legged kind. 

We got quite the zoo of pets going on here, don't we?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome here. I really needed it, more than I realised.
I'm going to log off now, I need a break from technology for the rest of the night I can feel a migraine coming on.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks again it means so much 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Crazy_Bug_Lady, seems such a long timr since we have said g'day. 🙂 Hopre you had  a good day at the farm.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Love all the different food menus. Studel etc sounds yummy! Hope each one of you have a pleasant

weekend and stay warm and dry - it's pouring with rain where I live. Ciao for now. Bimby2

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Glad you could make it @Nin. Btw, another cool place to hang is Night Shift, it was started for people who couldn't sleep, but the discussions carry on throughout the day. There's wonderful group of people there too if you just want to chat and hang out.

Looking forward to see you around here @NinHeart