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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Take the control you can.

Nup .. I am back online and it is 3.30.  Girlfriend is in the house so thats another thing on my mind. I will try and again soon.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Appleblossom


You've got a lot on atm Apple - take it as easily as you can - this is a big deal


When people are going through this kind of thing - well - yess - taking a little time out is a good thing


But we can support you - we are thinking of you



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Decadian

All went without incident and the kids are off on a camping weekend.

I have been so focussed on empowering others I havent known how to claim my basic rights.  My son seems to give her his decision making and it worries me a bit, but he has to work that out.  I did ask her to back off once. I just said her name quietly, when she jumped in checking my kitchen shelves to check as he was getting organised, and she complied.  I think that is a first for me... being obeyed ... wow.  That is not her fault, that is because I caved with my step daughter and had to accept problematic behaviours to keep a semblance of peace in the home when kids were little.  I have to learn to claim control more.

It feels very different to actually have a place I can talk about day to day stuff.  I have never had that before. At school I was isolated and it was always changing. My family was too needy of my role as a support person. No space ever for my needs to be discussed. I was too placid and accepting with girlfriends, and also didnt really meet people who I was truly compatible with.

Today I am going to an 80th birthday party for a lady in my writers group. I like her.  We agree about a lot of social issues.  She also was a step daughter, as a young girl, and we had few cups of coffee talking about that, which I really appreciated. We didnt jump to defensiveness about our roles, as we had already bonded on discussions about indigenous issues.  She had been Queenslander and seen a lot and cared about them. Everyone's experience is unique.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Happy Friday everyone!




This is basically what I've ordered from the local pizza place... lets see when I get it if it looks anything like the image above hehehe.


How is everyone tonight?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik

Your pizza looks nice, lets hope you get that exact one!! 

My dinner is pretty boring (sorry no virtual plate) - hot dogs and chips. Nothing great really 😞

I have no motivation to do anything, feeling very low; so my husband went to the supermarket and got dinner.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yum @NikNik

Same here, ordered pizza, but did not look as healthy as yours!

For me the beginning of my week was still hard but now my new meds have kicked in I think and I am looking forward to the weekend 🙂

Missed the work thingie questions today 😞 I'll have a read through later.

Does anyone have nice plans for the weekend?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I second that @NikNik, hooray for hot dogs, Havana, good luck to your pizza looking that good. But it is pizza it is all about the test.

Ho @BlueBay, I hope things pick up for you soon.

Hi @Former-Member, yes doing some Woodford in the shed as it will be raining first lot of rain since January yay!!!!!!!

Tonight is fish and salad.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member

I'm having accupuncture done tomorrow morning which I cannot wait.  I love having all the needles in me and I relax for about 30 mins.  I'm hoping this will help with my anxiety.  Dinner tomorrow night for a girl who is leaving and Sunday will be probably a walk down the beach, coffee with hubby down the street and just an easy day.

What are your plans?

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


I never tried acupuncture, but was always curious. How did you find someone good? I won't try any new things anytime soon, just happy that I'm sorta stabilised for now.

@Jacques what is Woodford?

I would love going to the beach - I think I should make a plan of the weather is ok. I don't really make plans for the weekend but see how I feel and then go for little walks or sit in the garden. I still sleep a lot on the weekend.