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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I wish I was out and having dinner on my own somewhere far far away.  Everyone is giving me the irriates.  The kids are arguing non stop; my husband is on the computer downstairs and I am upstairs on the computer.  There seems to be no calmness at the moment. I feel like running away, Sorry this is the wrong spot to be ranting.  I am really sorry. 

Anxiety rising, need to calm down 😞

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Aww @BlueBay,

can you take some deep breaths, close your eyes and focus on your breath.

Or talk to us and distract yourself. What else are you up to this weekend?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh @BlueBay ♡♡

If you can't be honest about your state of mind on this forum then it's not working!

Your honesty resonates with me too. I feel terrible I saw my psychiatrist who increased my medicine today and then he wants to see me Monday! I'm one step from hospital 😞

Aside from that dinner here is curly baked potatoes, green salad and vegetarian sausages!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'm struggling to stay calm @CherryBomb.

I just want peace and quiet and everyone is irritating everyone.  It's Friday and I am so exhausted from my emotional and depressive week as well as work.

Housework tomorrow morning, then a hair cut, accupuncture and then nothing. 

I struggle to stop and be calm when the inside of me is boiling, it's rage.  I am sorry I shouldn't be on here writing this when it should be enjoying time with others.

I am sorry.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Angels333

My psych increased my meds this week as well!! And we also talked about hospital.  Do you feel you need to go into hospital?

At least on here I can be honest because I know there will be no judgement; most times its hard for me to be honest with my husband and children.

Your dinner sounds nice @Angels333

Take care


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

No need to be sorry @BlueBay! You can be exactly how you are on here.

Tell me what would you need to ease this anxiety and feel better?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Former-Member, I am here , we had Maccas tonight

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @BlueBay - sometimes I feel like running away too - I understand.... A hair cut should help improve your mood? I love going to the hairdresser...

@CherryBomb thanks... I don't know what I would say right now... Thanks for the encouragement re the yoga...



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51, how are you?

@Former-Member what poses are you finding challenging?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @CherryBomb

Bit tired tonight but i am good , My hubby has has taken extra medication through the week and has had sleeps after lunch this week except today -- ther is one job we do once a fortnight is starting to stress him out big time -- dont know weather to cancel the job or keep going