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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Mazarita

I see your display picture is the guitar, do you play? 

I was going to suggest to @Jacques to find a guitar and have a go.

and I honestly mean it Jacques, you are so talented, you would pick it up so quickly.

you can go to youtube and get lessons from scratch, and before you know it you are strumming a few chords. 

I have a guitar and a keyboard, I am hopeless at both, but it is awesome relaxation and self recognition.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i think you are right, i think i see myself as a loser, and think other see me the same.  i make myslef dislike them before they can dislike me, if that makes any sense.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@WombatBoots, Yes, I do play guitar but I've left it gathering dust for quite some time. Thanks for reminding me I could get back into that. 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh @Crazy_Bug_Lady, my aunty has schizophrenia, it is so upsetting for me to see her in the state she is in, so sad Smiley Sad, i love her so much, but she makes it so difficult to be around her with my anxiety. i am hoping apon hope their is a cure found soon.


i will not go into it, but seeing what she was to what she is now brings me to tears.


i am so proud of you, and no it is not because we have to be respectful i really do admire you.  the work you do helps thousands of people every day you are the real celebrety to me, you are the one making the difference

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Too many crazy Hollywood movies misinforming the public. I am sure you are ethical.  Yes early medical research had them going to graveyards and digging up .. oh put a sock it in @Appleblossom and say something nice.

Yes, a lot of us are grateful, for the work that is done.  Some young kids over exaggerate about animal cruelty these days its tricky .. I used to say the dog was better treated than me in my family.  It is good that humanitarian and animal standards have improved.

I know a couple in research one at CSIRO and one at Vic Uni not saying any more on that topic




Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well i may have have some tallent but music is definatly not one of them, i can't keep a rhythm to save my life, i think i will stick to listening to it instead Smiley Tongue


lol i got a laugh out of your last statement, you don't need to be good at anything if it makes you happy, i do gardening, most of them die but i get much relaxation from it.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Dear Mazarita,

This is an issue ive had in the last couple of years as well.

i kind of see you like a little blue bird   @lisajane


Her past , though amazing an interesting to read about...look what she does now..a courtcase, dealing with two cnildren, new move.......jeepers. im sorry though @lisajane, i havent written to you that much, ive been really overwhelmed with my issues and though i read your posts, i havent written to you for a little while. 

I think about your advice to me from the past though ..😀🐇


When i meet people say from my high school and they working as say.......the General Superstar director of someone famous, im usually pretty cheeky and say, oh yeah, my son is struggllimg with times of mental ill  health and he lives over East to get away from  family.


(though he and i get alonG well, )

he drops out of Uni whenever he goes Psychotic and so it will take bim 100 years to graduate. Then he just wants to  be a really really clever cleaner.........

I think the best fhing to say is.....

Im living my life. And keep it to that. This is what ive been saying. 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Yes, I do get what you mean and relate to rejecting people before they can reject you. This is part of our enclosed lives for sure. I'm hoping I can gradually move myself out of it (so as not to freak out and crash if it all happened too suddenly). Things have actually looked up on that front, in small bits, since recently arriving on the forums.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thankyou so much guys, i have really enjoyed the whole night, but i am freezing and am going to bed now to get warm. i hope to speak to you all through the week or next friday.


good night all, be kind to yourselves and take care.


Goodnight my family



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I know what you're saying @Appleblossom about family treatment 

my 2 whippets get the bed with their mum (my wife) ... I get the lounge