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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I will miss you @CherryBomb.... I just saw this now as I was watching a movie last night... And my partner seems to think my laptop is his now.... I just found stuff I didn't want to find on it... Miss you!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Happy Friday everyone!
I hope you're having a better Friday than me! There seems to be some weird technical issues with the forums tonight. Sometimes they work and sometimes not. If you can't access the forums - try using a different device. I'm currently using mobile to access this because desktop version isn't working for me 😔

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Onto more pleasant things - what's plans for the weekend!?
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wanted to get in early to wish @Queenie a happy birthday and to thank her for giving us Monday off work. Comissioned this portrait and have brought along a cake to celebrate,



Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

yes, @NikNik

forums wasnt working on my mobile and for a few minutes i thought i must have done something wrong and been blocked or something - panic... 

but now its working on my laptop.. 

besides all that... im kind of relieved that its friday.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hiya everyone ....., 😊💕

Out tonight at a function, taking a cheese and bikkies platter with us.

Extended family occasion on the weekend. Making a pav .....

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Friday people 🙂

That made me laugh @Former-Member, even without seeing the photos.

We had a delicious vegetable stir fry for dinner here. I was able to use fresh bok choy from the garden and it was so good!

We don't really have any plans yet for this weekend. Our weekly family thing isn't on which means I don't have to get up as early in the morning as usual. Maybe pancake brekkie is order instead of rushed toast for a Saturday morning change.

Love pavlova @Faith-and-Hope 😄

Hi @Former-Member 🙂

No trouble with the forum here, but I mostly use the app - maybe that's why?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @NikNik and everyone  🙂

Pizza for dinner tonight, something easy. Not feeling well with asthma and very high blood pressure.  Taking it easy this weekend.  Although I still having more packing to do for the move.

Hope you sort out the tech issues. 

BB xxoo

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

The problem with these tech issues is that people can't even read threads to find out whats up. 3 devices, 3 browsers each... 9th try lucky lol.
Fish and chips for the Friday feast 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Just finally got on @NikNik, trouble here too , soo see what happens

We had ravalio tonight xx

Hello @TheVorticon, @BlueBay, @CheerBear, @Faith-and-Hope