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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

made some chocolate flowers @CherryBomb 

flowers 1.jpg

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Will be thinking of you @Former-Member 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I wondering if we can just fast forward to dessert? 

Any objections from anyone??

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone @Former-Member @Determined @Former-Member @Mazarita @BlueBay @Shaz51 and everyone else
The feast looks amazing
I cant get a pic up but im bringing nice warm gooey chocolate brownies and cheesecakes for desert

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I think dessert is better @CherryBomb xx

we had beef soup with lots of veges

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

**Droll** no picture, but just the description of gooey chocolate brownies is enough @outlander!

 Thanks for the lovely cake @Mazarita. Quite the virtual chef, you are! I'm just going to be working on my PhD. Smiley Happy Looks like it's going to be a few intense years, but I'm looking forward to it!


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

and after tonight`s feast , we might all have to go to the gym @CherryBomb, lucky for us it is all virtual

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Weekend offerings for me. Everyone will be very envious - NOT. I have to watch Aussie rules football from 10 until 5 tomorrow (3 of my sons play in 3 different grades) with an hours drive each way and it is at one of the coldest places I know. But I will be distracted and I still get proud watching them. I just wish it wasn't soooooo long. Sometimes I wish I could just buy the highlights package 😃

Sunday I'm hoping to visit a nursery to pick up some seedlings with my mum. It's the best way I know how to spend time together. 

I hope the weekend finds some nice moments for everyone. 💜🤗💐

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow those flowers are so artistic and yummy @Shaz51. They also look too good to eat.

Haha @Former-Member, where did you find that! I love it. Think I'm going to have to print it out and stick by my computer. It'll remind me of all you. Heart

Seriously, it does feel like a huge era of my life is coming to end sadly. You know, when @NikNik and I started we were so excited to get one post in an evening! It blows my mind to see how much this community has grown. It's amazing to think that I've known some of you for a few years... 

Can you remember when you first joined?? What was it like??