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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

ohhh @Former-Member, @CherryBomb, no the Bladder infection is all gone Smiley LOL

I did mum`s gardening on wednesday , but since then i have been aching more

Hello @Jacques , my awesome friend xx

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hugs @Jacques
The news has been awful this week, but wanted to say that im teaching some amazing refugee kids this year who have seen more horrific things than most BUT are also doing so very well and loving life! There is still hope for those in these awful places adn situations (not all 😞 ) but there is some small rays of things to be grateful for at the same time.
And its so lovely to see you!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good evening all,

It sounds like there are some sickly folk here tonight. Just keep your germs to yourselves ok - I detest getting sick. Happily, aside from the muddle in my brain, I rarely get ill...and I plan to keep it that way so no sneezing over the food..or swimming in it {glares accusingly at @CherryBomb}! Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I know what you mean @Jacques

Hi @Former-Member @Shaz51 @NikNik @Faith-and-Hope

Dont think I have "met" you before @CheerBear

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @Former-Member & @Shaz51,


Thank you, it is so wonderfu lto hear from you both, hugs to each of you.


Thank you @Former-Member, i struggle to see how things can get better. i am so glad you are helping people and children whos lives have been torn apart. thank you

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I agree with you. The world is a very messed up place. Smiley Sad

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Phoenix_Rising and i'm with you, i held out the tissues from a distance and donned a face mask for @Mazarita !
Hello @Appleblossom , glad you're here after your huge and sad few weeks, hugs

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb and @TheVorticon you both seem to have brought amazingly healthy-looking food to FF. I'm wondering how I'm going to pick all the green bits out. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

(lisajane was wondering when @Phoenix_Rising was arriving with the desert!!)

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member I'm wondering if I should become bubble turtle for tonight. {Wanders off to figure out how to construct protective bubble to keep all germs out of shell}.