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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I have tagged you inmy thread about it if you want to have a look later @CherryBomb

Hello @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Decadian xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member thanks for your kind wishes.  I have a gut feeling that this year will be a better year.  I can't remember if this is true or not but i have heard that life changes every 7 years, have you heard that before?

@CherryBombI am very proud of my son. I did say to him this morning before he left "just be yourself, and good luck, I will be thinking of you, and don't forget to ring me".  I haven't told him yet that i am proud of him, i struggle with telling my kids exactly how proud I am.  But I will try this week to tell him.

We have a lot of stuff to get rid of, but once we sell (i hope we do) then we will have a garage sale.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member. Your dog is gorgeous.
@BlueBay - can't wait to hear if your son got in to the police academy. I went to school near the academy.
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

thats great for you son @BlueBay fingers crossed!

i'm finding it really hard to write tonight, taking me forever to write anything, bit useless really! 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Shaz51@CherryBomb . He's a very alert and clever dog. @BlueBay Mine will be 4 in February, there's a picture I posted above of my dog. 

I hope you get well soon@Shaz51. 

@Former-Member Sometimes the site has done funny things before but returns to normal. I'm on my phone so haven't seen it this time but I think it gets changed to the mobile version when they update sometimes, just guessing really. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51. Although I didn't go in the water - my body was floating on the sand. It was very calming

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good evening gentle folk. Man is the weather punishing us or what?!

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member It was changing colour and logo.
If I really was seeing things, there would be messages directed directly at me to hurt myself, since this was benign I'm presuming it was legit.
@CherryBomb- is the site being moved to another organisation, not sane?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Memberyour dog is so cute, very similar to my dog.  There such great joy.

@Former-Memberyou're not useless, you sound tired.  try to be easy on yourself.  hope you can get a good night sleep tonight.

@utopiaI so hope he gets in, but he said if he doesn't he will re-apply again.  If he gets in he will move to the academy and come home on the weekends.  I will miss him. But that's life.

Life is changing so much at the moment, with so many things happening.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey Shaz51 and yes, very excited about my new little pet called Bella Fleur. She is a tabby with white chest and 4 white paws and a pretty and appealing face. You would fall in love with her kittenish tricks and gentle nature. Have a good night and this goes too for all those on this wonderful forum. Bimby2.