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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


My attachment @CherryBomb

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @CherryBomb xx

thank you ,mythroat is a little bit better with the extra medication

but my stomach is still a bit yuk - thinking it might be gallbladder

Yes @CherryBomb, when i have a yuk day like yesterday , it really affects hubby badly all day xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member your dog sounds like a real sweety!

@Former-Member I love being outdoors and all, and do ok on day hikes, it just my feet - hiking can get so painful! And I'm a bit f a sook when it comes to sore feet. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Just saw the pic @Former-Member - I think I'm in love. What a cutie!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

your dog is a cutie @Former-Member

love the picture xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb

I'm a bit overwhelmed with a few things happening at the moment.  i need to stop and just remember it is a good decision for our future. And it will be okay.

Oh before I forget, my son had his last panel interview with the police force today.  He came out confident and rang me to say he felt good about the interview.  They will let him know in about 3 weeks. And if he gets in he will go to the academy..  keeping my fingers crossed for him, he has wanted this carerer for a very long time.

@teej  did i read you have a kelpie x border collie??  Because we have the same dog.  Jersey is so smart and very loyal.  how old is your dog?  Ours is 4 yrs old.

  Hi @Shaz51 hope you're feeling better.  Hi @Former-Member @Former-Member@utopia @Decadian   xxxooo


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @BlueBay xx

we had a lovely time at the beach with @utopia the other night , it was soo relaxing

I have my fingers crossed for your son too @BlueBay


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh @Shaz51 sounds like you've been in the wars this week. It's no fun being unwell in hot weather. Hope you and hubby are tip-top soon. 

@BlueBay selling a house is stressful. A home means so much. It's a place full of memories and special moments, so moving on is tough. It's only natural you're feeling this way. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your son. good on him for getting this far. Are you feeling proud?

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'm starting to think I'm hallucinating.

Does the site layout keep changing for other people too?

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Hi @BlueBay

I am hoping 2017 is a good year for you.