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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Im so glad that you write this @Former-Member.

I'm not up to it too. 

My husband is quite paranoid these days and I usually end up driving around all day. I havent even been working on my book because Im so tired......



I remember once I was with my Mother in America and having a terrible tme and spent all my time handsewing little felt things with buttons on them.......I think about that time......eeeeuuuughhh 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Former-Member. And thanks for the shout out earlier. I hope tomorrow brings some joy for you. 💜🤗

PS I guess @Faith-and-Hope had Friday feast in the air tonight. ✈️

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

PPS @Former-Member I think I'll have to try doing what you suggested and try to feel the simple things again. As always I was putting too much pressure on it. 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Fair enough Teej, my typos are enough to confuse anyone lol Big hug, you'll come out of this soon, don't force it. Hugz xox
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh yeah, I miss F&H a lot, hope she has a good break away, how exciting 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sometimes I have raised heavy topics at Friday Feast @Former-Member I think it is more important that you are real but only you are the judge of that.    We may have some choice about what we choose to share or it may bubble, dribble or explode out of us. There should be no pressure to be cheery if that is not meaningful for you at the time ... it all depends ..  where you are at .. I have felt all sorts of different things when posting on this thread ... pressure to be positive tends to excacerbate uncheery feelings.  yet none of us wants to dampen the mood.  

The great benefit is that the Fridays do keep coming around.  I hope you are feeling better next week. @Former-Member

I remember when @Jacques used to live alone with his mum .. hi @Ja cques .. overcrowding can be an issue for all of us .. and how to use the space we have.  It is amazing you have managed to adapt to your aunt living with you. It was a big change. 

I guess I was very silly about a month ago. My inner "diplomat" had gone on holiday.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @PeppiPatty xx

Hello @Former-Member xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Had vego pasta for Friday Feast ... 😊

Hi everyone ... landed safe and sound ....
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Faith-and-Hope. Good to hear. Wow that seemed to happen so fast. I hope your flight was good 💜🤗

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Great to hear from you @Faith-and-Hope

I am not on night shift any more so better ... to bed ... G'nite
