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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone

My dinner tonight was yet again spag bol.  @Faith-and-Hope you will laugh because this is what we seem to have most Friday's.  I guess it's something easy to cook and have.  And being italian I've gotta have my pasta!!! LOL

Going to sit now and watch to footy as I begin to crochet a baby blanket for a co-worker who is pregnant.  I have never crochet a blanket before but it's looking okay.  Once I finish it I will put up a picture.  Which reminds me i will put a photo up of jersey tomorrow.

hope you all enjoy your dinner, and your night whatever you do 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodevening @BlueBay and @Shaz51

Is that a pie @Shaz51? Looks yum. Did you make it yourself?

My partner is cooking us a veggie pizza, which I thought I'd share around on here


veggie pizza.jpeg

Who else is about tonight? @Former-Member @Decadian @Jacques @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @Kurra @Former-Member @Former-Member. Are you lovely folk about? Care to join us for some virtual food?

How has everyone's week been?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @BlueBay, we usually have Ravailo on fridays nights but I changed my mind

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

No @CherryBomb,it is a woolies pie

pizza looks wonderful,

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb and @Shaz51,

Wow the pizza looks awesome, I had saute cabbage with him and garlic, it was so nice.

This week has been a roller coaster, some ups some Downs, but I managed to get through.

Still not sleeping well, and struggling with exhaustion.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb your pizza looks so yum.  

how are you? any plans for the weekend?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques

I haven't see you on here for a while.  How are you? I've had a really hard emotional week but today was much better.

Any plans for the weekend @Jacques?

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

A tuna salad half ate! And a few corn chips with melted cheese @Cheery bomb
My kids wanted the corn chip, salsa thing.
I knew I needed nourishment, hence a small salad bowl.
Effort applied on not so crash a day!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

sending you Hugs @Jacques HeartHeart

My hubby said he knows, he has felt slack, tired all the time

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes @CherryBomb, got your callout. I'm proud to say I've fried up some of my yummy Fish Patty's (2cups rice, 1cup tuna, 2-3eggs, splash onion, parsley, spices, cornflower to bind) fry with cold pressed EV Olive Oil. Serve with vegies or salad, yum. It makes about 12 so I freeze them in snack sizes for later in the week.

There, done my bit for Friday Feast for a change. Now I'll go read what everyone else had done. 🙂