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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yikes @TAB


An "uber Bulgarian mother" sounds formidable - yes - my tiny little MIL was pretty bossy too - I was a rotten wife for her precious son -


So yes - your BIL might find himself doing his own shopping and cooking if he doesn't pitch in with the chores - if your sister works - and I can't imagine why not in this day and age - she will keep flexing those muscles



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

no, she was the kindest, gentlest person ever met re sisters 'MIL' .. just Very mothering and protective, they had all sorts of financial 'leg ups' and advantages throughout their lives to get where they are now, just just a bit peevish that they aren't very open about it and 'it;s all them' and my father for eg thinks sun shines out their collective butts . well why wouldnt he, and yes, she still has same govt job from leaving school, well with few years part time and few years off for kids, but has been full time and pretty much kept them from delving into family fortune inbetween hubbies big wins ie he;s a high end house builder @Decadian but that doesnt relate to consistent income

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes please @CherryBomb

that is a great question @Former-Member xx

how are you today ??

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

You're just a spring chicken. I've got a year or two on you!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Cat Tongue @Kurra spring chicken vs Henery Hawk mabes re Foghorn Leghorn cartoon maybeCat Tongue lol

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

prob put my foot in it there, dunno .. wasn't meant to be hurtful @Kurra Heart sorry

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Kurra xx

Hey @TAB, did you say you are going to be 54 ???

I am 52

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

well if I survive the next 3 or so weeks haha @Shaz51 Cat Tongue

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yea you will make it @TAB

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Damn .. maybe I should start making better choices then lol quality of life zippo atm lol Cat Tongue hope you are doin ok anyways @Shaz51