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The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

Welcome to The Sane Cattery, the totally rational, completely normal place where we - totally sane humans - gather to admire our feline overlords. This is a judgment-free zone (unless your cat is the one doing the judging, which, let’s be honest, they always are). Feel free to share photos of your majestic moggies, chaotic kitties, and everything in between. Whether they’re plotting world domination, defying the laws of physics, or simply loafing like sentient bread, we want to see them. Because nothing says "sane" like dedicating an entire discussion to our tiny, furry dictators.

@tyme @avant-garde @Ru-bee @Gremlin24 


Allow me to begin...

Here is our oldest, Roughy who is 9.



Ryker, who is 7.  Trying to convince himself he still fits in this thing like a glove!



And the latest edition, Luna (14 weeks)


...and another one of Luna, 'cause she's so damn cute. 


I have been instructed to say that she was in no way stuck, and was just testing my responsiveness. 

Luna not stuck.jpg


Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

Oh look at those beautiful ginger kitties @MJG017 and of course the incredibly cute Luna

Do they all get along? 

Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

@MJG017 they are all so gorgeous 😍 

Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

Welcome to the cattery @Patches59 @Zoe7 @Jynx @Bow 


I don't know who else has a cat.. sorry if I missed your name

Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

Oooh love it @MJG017!! My babies 😻




The tabby is named Razz and the calico is Trixie Von Treat!! 

Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

Ok so the first kitten here was with me for a short time many years ago but I couldn't keep her sadly.

The second cat is not mine but I get to have cuddles with her and her name is Gracie, she stole my heart when I first met her. 



Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

@Jynx ! I love the one in the paper bag!

Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

Couple photos of Sunny who has become my constant companion.  Loves laying on the new couch beside me and using arm rest as a pillow


Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated



Very cute!!   Luna’s coat colour appears to be unique.  Is she different shades of grey on her back?

Re: The Sane Cattery: Because normal is overrated

@Patches59 , it's so so good to see you after a long time. 


Looks like cats bring people together 🙂


Hugs to you.