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Re: The Beer Garden

One for me too @Shaz51 👍

Re: The Beer Garden

Okay I have not been here in about 4 years but.... life has brought me back. My first instinct was to stop into the beer garden... I still remember some of the people who were with my at the toughest of times so here goes.... 

@Kurra  @GonePirate  @BlueBells 


Would love for you to join me 🙂

also, anyone else I may have forgotten (sorry, I'm terrible with names)... and of course anyone else wanting to chill over here 🙂 

Re: The Beer Garden

wow , hello and hugs @spin 

how are you going my friend Smiley Very Happy


Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Shaz51 🙂 


I'm doing okay. It's weird how life has changed so much over the years but also how so many things are still a constant. Some wins and losses but have found myself wanting the company of those who just get it.


How are you? Thanks for adding the tags too!

Re: The Beer Garden

ohhh I know what you mean @spin Heart

what have happened over the years my friend 

and who else did you chat too xx

@Former-Member, @TAB 

Re: The Beer Garden

I actually picked myself up and was doing fairly okay for a while after a couple of rounds of TMS. I graduated from uni, got physically healthy, moved out of home, and started working full time in my chosen profession - managed that for about 14 months until I got unstuck big time.... now I seems to have come full circle and have reversed all those things. So now I'm back to square one except with bigger, more adult problems 😅😅😅


Bloody exhausting I tell ya. Find myself in my own little beer garden a lot lately hahaha. 

Oh I'm sure I would remember names when I see them, I must look around the forum some more. Ummmm let's see.. @Silenus  

Re: The Beer Garden

@Silenus  has made another thread too @spin , i will tag you there my friend xx

Re: The Beer Garden

Meditation. Yoga funny Cartoon By Gemma Correll | Yoga ...

Re: The Beer Garden

Wow! Spin!


[Sprints in Silenus-style with a huge hug, all whilst juggling kittens, boxes of chocolate, and bowls of chicken soup for the soul]


Firstly... Spin... oh my goodness... so many achievements, so many hurdles leaped over, in these past 5 or so years... wow... respect... you are the bomb...


Secondly, so sorry to hear the pendulum has swung from curse to gift and back to curse... we know well these terrible cycles, those of us with mental health challenges...


But it fills my heart with hope to read between the lines of your words, Spin... your tone, your mood, it feels quite positive, and very resilient... you've been to hell's waiting room before, and you are familiar with it... and I don't doubt that you've expanded your toolbox with coping mechanisms and wellness strategies, learned from years in the trenches...


It's awesome you reached out, Spin... we are all here for each other...


I keep coming back to these words... we are not mentally ill... we are merely on the edge of the human experience..


Hugs and happy vibes beaming your way...

Re: The Beer Garden

Giggle... love it, @Adge