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Re: The Beer Garden

I helped myself to the vodka and raspberry. Hope nobody minds!

Re: The Beer Garden

I have switched to virtual alcohol only. SO I guess may as well live it up with some Advokaat.

Smiley Happy

Re: The Beer Garden

More than one of us has been known to sidle over the bar here @Queenie .... 

Re: The Beer Garden

Hello all, is anyone hanging out in the beer garden tonight? It might have been two years since I posted here.

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Lostboy and welcome back ....., 👋



Re: The Beer Garden

Thank you @Faith-and-Hope , I remember your name, how are you? 

Re: The Beer Garden

Yeah ..., not too bad @Lostboy .  Good days and bad around here .....


We have moved to the east coast, kids recovering, mr.f&h still undiagnosedbut somewhat steadier ..... and the kids and I are studying art at a uni here.


How are you getting on ?

Re: The Beer Garden

That's not too bad to hear. Great that you're studying art! I think. How are you finding that? I'm getting on, thanks, a little lost at the moment, occupying myself with the garden and small things.

Re: The Beer Garden

I’m going really well with the art @Lostboy.  I have got one certificate under my belt, and started on the next one.


Garden and small things are good .....


Have you seen the Cimmunity Garden thread ?