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Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @Meowmy 

Have a great afternoon!

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Re: Tabaluga's

No good @StuF sorry to hear you caught a cold. Please rest and don't do daredevil stunts while you are sick. That happened to my Dad and the virus went to his heart and he got myocarditis. It left scar tissue on his heart later requiring heart surgery and after that he only lived another 5 years. I hope you will get the necessary downtime to recover, its just not worth the risk. I tell people these days after what happened to my Dad. After the heart surgery he fiercely protected his health. He lost weight and followed all the outpatient advice from the hospital. 

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @Former-Member  - I feel better already having taken the day off. It was a precautionary decision as much as anything.


Sorry to hear about your dad

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Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF yes don't risk it, its just not worth the trouble after what happened with my old man. Dad died a long time ago, but it seems like yesterday. 

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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB noticing the difference during the day from having a full nights sleep at night. Even slept through the alarm. Am in a much better frame of mind now. It feels good for a change after a couple of years  living this way. 

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Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF @TAB 


Just cast a horary astrology chart for missing cat, thought someone may have taken her to the pound but she did turn up but later on in the day. Horary is divination and you can pose questions and analyse the chart for outcomes


The querant is the cat and it is usually the ascendant as you are asking about someone else not yourself. The ascendent degree was 14 degrees pisces and the psychic sabian symbol for that pisces degree is "A lady in fox fur" lol. She is female and she has fur!


Tried to analyse the chart but the best thing I could see was the north node (path of destiny) appearing on the first house with the Sabian Symbol For Aries 6 "A square brightly lit on one side" so the cat was in my immediate environment. That degree is about people looking for solutions to their problems, when that degree comes up for me in the past I always find it helpful to draw a box with your problems on each side and work out the brightly lit side than opens the door to opportunity. I think the cat has got her problems worked out, I looked out the window and there she was!



Re: Tabaluga's


I don't understand any of that...but as long as you and the cat are happy, all good


My only counsel would be don't get too attached- it sounds like the cat will come and go at its discretion

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Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF I realised the other day I was being stalked by the cat. She will scream at the back door, then stand on her hind feet and scrape her front paws all over the dining room window if I don't let her in then rush to the front door to meow incessantly. She went one step further while I was cooking dinner the other day and lept up over 1.5 metres precariously to the kitchen window sill glaring at me and demanding she be let in. Shes now curled up on my bed and I have to meditate. Geez. 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, how did you go?. Are you going home ? @StuF hey StuF, home now.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

all good @Meowmy  finished all work  and handed up. 1 person took a pce of cake plus me. I left the rest not the best. back really bad plusdizzy when getting out of car.

just off to pick up scripts then a/c and youtube think @StuF