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Re: Tabaluga's

I know @TAB just steamed veggies and beans/lentils and put in blender and wait until it cools then eat. My dentist gave me a list of things to do to prevent dry socket (as you said) and gum infection. No coffee or caffeine either. Looks like you will be celebrating Christmas early! 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks re my day. not up to much . @Meowmy  had shower, feel human again after that lol maybe try another coffee. finally finished cooking roast, think bit overdone.. lol 

maybe watch tv today. I re-subscribed to Prime after cancelling it for months was trying to get a particular movie that sounds interesting. its not on there though, der . its on apple and rental price is more than buy price on other channels, well plus couldnt log in, need to use stupid iphone. ha

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah well it had to be done, but yeah .. @Former-Member  Oh well.

cat back and demanding 4th breakfast , am like fireman shovelling coal into steam engine lol ..

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Re: Tabaluga's

I know this cat is the same. If I walk anywhere near her bowl she thinks shes getting more food! @TAB. I hope youre not ruminating too much over this dental procedure. You'll be relieved though once the tooth is out. It will be resolved once and for all

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well not looking forward to it @Former-Member  had two teeth out before, wouldnt like to repeat either ok totally different but still unpleasant experience. plus have to remember not to take blood thinners, so bit hard not to think about it. guess not much else happening ha ha. 

Re: Tabaluga's

Good morning @TAB @Meowmy @Bill16 @Former-Member @greenpea @Glisten @Clawde  and all


Wishing you happy Saturdays!

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Re: Tabaluga's

Yes, @TAB my wisdom tooth took an hour to yank out as the tooth was infected and the infection had congealed around the gum-line. I was lucky to get it out when I did. Its harder to pull a tooth if that happens as it just won't come out with the gum infection as its stuck to the tooth. Plus my tooth had a shard missing and the anesthetic was wearing off quickly so I think I had about 7 or 8 injections lol


For xmas I'm gifting myself a new and improved gallbladder as diabetes can cause gallbladder issues. Checked my biofield app using my voice to decode illness recently and my gallbladder requires some T.L.C so Rife it is again. Getting out any sludge and stones in gallbladder and restoring it to full health!!! Yeeha

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Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @StuF I'm loving life. I hope you are enjoying a good start to the day. TAB put ideas in my head for pizza over summer. Getting a mini pizza pan from Amazon and making a dough out of cooked cauliflower rice thats been strained of water in cheesecloth & blitzed. I'm looking forward to giving it a go during the hot weather with my carbonated water made of cosmetically challenged fruit! lol Not long until Christmas now! 

Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @Former-Member 

I hope the pizza turns out well! Gotta love pizza...


Yep, Christmas rapidly approaching

Re: Tabaluga's

@TABs teeth are a nuisance wish we could be like sharks and just continually have new ones  pushing their way through.  Hope today is good for you.  hmm might have a tiny bit of dark choc is good for preventing dementia apparentlyxx