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Re: Tabaluga

Cool sweetheart friend @Meowmy I'm glad your car is fixed and they didn't sting you to bad,I'm alright today thanks

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga

Good morning @Glisten @TAB @Meowmy @Bill16 @Former-Member @greenpea  and all!


May you settle into a peaceful evening

Re: Tabaluga

@StuF   hey Stuf is there anything decent on the idiot box tonight?

Re: Tabaluga

G'day @StuF what's on the cards man ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga

Hey @greenpea 

I'll probably watch the last Cheap Seats for the year

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga

Hey @Bill16 

Quiet night. Work tomorrow...hopefully shorter than yesterday! What's rockin' your world man?

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga

Hello @StuF @TAB @Bill16 @greenpea @Glisten @Oaktree just meditated for an hour this afternoon and was looking at a new morning routine to incorporate into my life so I can experience a good morning every day. I needed to do something that was in greater alignment. I follow this dude and he gives lots of tips to improve your life. I came across him in The Living Now Magazine that you get from health-food stores many years back.  The you tube video shows you how to get started on the right foot each morning and take it into the rest of your day

In this instructional video I share the secrets of Chinese medicine how to get out of bed and feeling good, focused and ready to tackle the morning. I also show how to utilize the chi gathered during the sleep for clarity and energy. Sleep connects you to your soul, your purpose and your mission ...

Re: Tabaluga

@Former-Member @TAB @StuF @Bill16 @greenpea 


Hey guys,


What are you guys up to tonight?

I was feeling a bit blah today so had an afternoon nap. Had art this morning. Just painting a little predrawn Christmas picture. Watching the tv now


Re: Tabaluga



Hi Pea, 


How are you doing?

What’s new with you?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga

nice pic @Oaktree  I slept most of afternoon, ok after bad sleep last night.

going to watch some tv here, bout it