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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..just for that hope Port win tonight and beat Swans if they play them.

(I have powers) Black curse etc... @StuF


I don't own this - one of the best performances of AFE ever

Re: Tabaluga's

G'day @TAB have you ever worked on Barrow Island?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

nah, had 2 run in w recruiters over 14ths like 10 years ago @Bill16  they wanted weld tests I couldnt pass ,last time just about had job, went to Wheatstone instead

Re: Tabaluga's

Copy that @TAB 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I didnt have a pressure vessel background @Bill16  , so not easy , plus no connections 

did my apprenticeship on 200PSI max stuff. straight after that was on ship building, spooling for ships. did pipework on a mud rig on labor hire , smashed it, then got run-around with other crap work,and got seen talking to people,  company wasAmerican so they were OTT

got dragged into office to get paid out on just be4 time to leave for the day and got shafted by laborhire too, they really had upper hand in early 1990s just thieving dogs 

so, did good job, above and beyond. got sniped , spies told boss not much going on (was stopped by others) got verballed and not to be re-hired w agency ha ha  lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Geez righto @TAB I am tossing up going back to work,or buy house and live on disability 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

can do all 3 @Bill16 

Re: Tabaluga's

Tell you the truth @TAB I'm pretty well over working ay

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

.. buy house , ok where are yr psych etc, can u get to them fm new gaff ?

@Bill16  just do casual work. I would ask one of brothers or their mates , someone not in mines, say just want easy shit to start. get your MH people in on it.get house. 

I got house 

going to be interesting getting back to work , but its possible, might be 2-3 days /month to start with, say

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

need a lot to fill the day in with , play cash will run out way b4 yr retired @Bill16  am in same boat sort of, except have house already