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Re: Tabaluga's

up again here. Bit groggy. could get back to sleep properly. bedding all over the show. layered blankets in wrong order , so its all slipped down like 3 feet during nite ha ha ok under quilt so didnt freeze, but was uncomfortable a bit. will have to talk to the idiot who makes the bed .. lol @Meowmy @Glisten 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, a bit of a ragged day here but okay. Hope you're  okay

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

cant believe was up so late here @Meowmy  should be doing lesson plan here , not today ha ha lol . 

Re: Tabaluga's

BAHAHA @TAB It’s hard to get good housekeepers lol
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hope things get better for you @Meowmy  ? your day off tomorrow anyway I guess

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

just looking around @Glisten  not much sign there is one here ... lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope the rest of the day go okay for us. Forty minutes to finish work .

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

oh dear @Meowmy  tried checking camera on laptop last nite, I look terrible. then realised thats with worse camera . can still play w lighting too ha ha lol

i weighed myself first time in ages yest, actually gone done a bit. eating and drinking less, although exercising less as well. measured gut first time in a long time, feels shrinking, but thats around edges, not where tape goes ha ha.

Anyway. would be nice to have some $. been looking at a cooks kn!fe, that Global brand that is scary sharp lol either that or a good chopper, ha. oh and a frypan can put in oven lol.

only have run out of money. going to have to transfer more from account shouldnt touch and set up a TTR thing again, so hit it for like $8k b4 end FYR and same again in july lolo ..

I think what trying to say is I need to be working, even in very casual and on my terms. I think I would like to train disadvantaged kids. wont pay much, but be good experience maybe. @Glisten 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, sunny but very cold here. Hope you get paid with trainer job?  

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah 100% get paid, but some places dont pay much, think not much these days is like $40/hr ish ? other places around $70 dep on job. friend does casual at Tafe, gets $100/hr , but only get paid for classroom time, so all prep is in your time. @Meowmy 

think they are dragging themselves up with teachers re pay and a lot of trainers work for govt or semi govt as they love rules lol. I could train people who faill the English test like they did to me .. lolololo 

ok couldnt log on to other account, turns out details were right, was on wrong site w almost same address and for same bank. so gave myself a couple '000. might buy kn!fe etc later, but have council rates, extras and car insurance due, thats about a $1000 ba ha ha lol .. and no tax return coming as did not work ..ughh 

going to tackle super site now lol