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Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @Meowmy  about half your day done then?


I hope @Bill16  is out catching some waves


Hiya @TAB  - hope your day is going well

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

literally slept most of day here @StuF  convinced myself hadnt taken meds yest as heart was all funny then took them and realised I had taken them before?

so end effect was I took them 8 hours early , but were prob needed. So what more excuse do you need to go lie down? heart racing =take meds =rest . 

only question is why why heart racing? well drs and cardio dont know so how should I lol..

hope you're doing okay  and @Meowmy  might do shower, shave and drag self to shops (car) to get something treat -like for evening meal. thinking oven chips w something lol

  • spag sauce?
  • frozen fish?
  • re heat bbq chook?(boring)
  • pie, pastie, gravy?? and the chips what a combo ..
  • or pork chop fm shop ??
  • steak?

gone off 'lamb' not sure why. not eating much steak lately either and struggling to get thru bbq chook in 5 ish days used to eat half w hands while it was still hot straight from bag on cupboard lol ..

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @TAB 

Hope your heart settles! You got more follow up on that?

Not much happening here. Pants I bought the other day need taking up. May or may not drag myself to shops for that.

Chips + something sounds good. Fish for the classic sake? (And can convince oneself that the fish cancels out the chips nutrition wise lol)

Re: Tabaluga's

Just gonna pop in here and pick the choice (this is a poll right? haha) of frozen fish or pork chop for tonight with chips, yummmmmmmm! @TAB 😛
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..bought fish and chips or me cooking fillets, yeah @StuF  but frozen I rarely if ever get right, usually part raw in middle , making it tasteless 

see how I go. maybe bangers ?? could do onions , carrot, peas, as well as chips & gravy ha ha

oh I feel okay atm , might check HR, BP now

Re: Tabaluga's

Bangers are always a solid back up @TAB 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

okay pulse is high , around 90 resting @StuF  oxygen was 94, had inhaler is 97 BP 120/90

so either I be careful or I ring drs/hosp??

hm months can have high pulse for while waiting for treatment ??

on discharge fm local hosp they said tell them when high pulse dunno

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yes, its a poll @PizzaMondo  thanks 😊

Re: Tabaluga's

Hmmm @TAB  - I know you ain't really asking/relying on me...but I've no idea what you should do.


Depends on what your pulse rate and other readings are normally I guess? Like how is now relative to your baseline


Shouldn't hurt to speak to Dr or someone...?

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, enjoy shops. Hope your heart settles. @StuF hey StuF, forty five minutes to finish work. Take care . Talk soon