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Re: Tabaluga's

Good Morning @Meowmy @StuF @Bill16  at shops across rd from course. Only 2hrs early today. Think do trip in daylight next time. Was plenty of room at carpark still.prob leave 90mins later again next time

Re: Tabaluga's

Well done on the brussel spouts @Oaktree 😂  Our tastes do change from childhood to adulthood. I used to hate most green veges as a kid. But as an adult,  I love them all.  All veges actually.  And @tonys I disagree with you that brussel sprouts are tasteless 😄 I reckon they have quite a distinct delicious flavour. Best cooked, like most veges in fact, where they still have some "bite" left in them. Dont overcook them into mush like was common in the "old days".  Keep it simple,  toss in a little butter and sprinkle of salt and pepper. Add some garlic if you like it, and/or some chopped bacon to make the dish a bit special.


Hey @tonys enjoy some quality time with the bookkeeper. Did I happen to mention I am a bookkeeper?  Worked for an accountant for many years 😂💖 And subsequent work all involved bookkeeping to some extent. Take care. Hannah sends excited licks 🐶 and her paw to shake. 


How you doing @TAB ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

At course , early again as I allowed so much time despite leaving 2 hours later than last time. There's room to leave later again.

Trying cpap machine. Without much success. Hating it. Lol. One foot in front of the other atm.

Hope things ok for you

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @Meowmy @Bill16 @tonys @Emelia8 @SmilingGecko 

Morning all! Wishing you great days.

I have group this morning and Dr this arvo.

Nice cool morning here!

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Walk fm carpark nothing like 2 weeks ago @StuF  almost bearable lol.

Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @StuF wishing you a good day. Got a blood laser stuck in my third eye anja chakra. Just spoke to brother this morning.  Have to get the day going. Energy practices were the bomb this morning!

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB enjoy the course tabby. On lunch break. Hope to talk later. @StuF @Bill16 hey cool friends.

Re: Tabaluga's

Enjoy lunch cool friend @Meowmy 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Course a bit slow today. Dont seem to be learning much. So long as pass lol @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey there  @Emelia8   Well I take my hat off to you.  Book keeping takes an eye for detail and patience 

that few are fit for.  My book keeper literally saved my business, as did the accountant and  a very kind person from the bank.  I'm actually pathetic at business,  and but for surrounding myself with a few 

good people, I would not have prevailed.   


* Brussel sprouts.   My humour always lands my parachute in a tree hey.  I put the word,  'Kidding',  after

I drop my tongue in cheek theories,  but often some words are camouflaged in a sea of others.

Emelia. .   I actually,  love love love..   Brussel sprouts.        I just steam them. No additions  I crave the sharp taste.

Curly leaf Kale.  parsnips,  Swedes turnups,  parsley,  Broccoli   anything with a sharp or bitter flavour.

Must be something in it my body needs .

Truth is,  the only 2 things I don't leap at,   are  Tripe,  and rock Mellon.   I'm a true  AnyThing Avore..😊  

A street childhood  has a way of making a person value anything on a plate . . .   or in a bin..   I think its like being a reformed alcoholic.    Even though I live in a big house, I still wake up in dumpster bin dreams,  often, . . .  and I need to,  to keep me sharp..  


Hunger is an experience that is actually a gift for life.  That includes hunger for,  shelter,   and love.

The smallest things are the greatest treasure's.   The refuse of the spoilt,   is the banquet of those that luck forgot. 


So,   that's  me on Brussel Sprouts and I do hope  you see the funny side..   


Hey..   Does Hannah  get your plate scraps.   Think its better than some of the pet food from the store.       Its  back to front here.   I fatten up on my hound,  Swamp things,  left overs...  I'm  KIDDING . . .


Emelia.   I hope you and Hannah have a truly special day and I always love our banter and chat..




Hey  @SmilingGecko   @Meowmy  @StuF  @TAB  @Glisten  @Appleblossom   @ENKELI  @greenpea  @Shaz51  @Historylover .  Hope the day is dealing you straight cards.

Wonder how @saturnzoon  is going with covid,  poor Lass,   if you can hear me,  I'm thinking of you,,

