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Re: Tabalugas

@tonys I actually laughed out loud sitting on the gym floor outside the sauna “carry on Cleopatra” - brilliant!

Change brings with me and the only thing I can control is what I do.

hugs G

Re: Tabalugas

Pragmatism requires maturity @Glisten .  Given your recent  history,  your resilience and attitude really are a beacon,   illuminating  paths for others.   I think perhaps you may be starting to see this.  Whilst the physical accumulation of material may be seen as a degree of achievement,  I would trade you my

slice of luck for your maturity any day.   The getting of wisdom.   Your way ahead of me  there,  and its a reason I follow your progress with interest,  How do people with so few recourses maintain courage 

in the face of  adversity..      I regain that .    I can  take this hill.   


Had  to have some extra meds tonight so I'll say goodnight @Glisten ,  and all the other brave souls on here and slide into a state of relief,     Your  something else  Glisten..




Not applicable

Re: Tabalugas

😅 Crikey, where to jump  @TAB 

I was finding myself entrenched, reading, reading, knee deep in this thread. How on earth was I to cut a break and jump in! 😁 😬

My memory has become quite bad. I will get to remember names, some are filtering in and thank you for the welcome to those who have tagged me in. Most kind. ☺️ @Glisten  @StanD  @tonys @greenpea @Shaz51 


Re: Tabalugas

@tonys damn auto correct. It’s evil and it’s vocabulary is too small.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

@StanD I suppose aetielogy could be used, however since okay is not from my spellbook etymology perhaps ?

not seen a butterfly like that since was a kid. 

DES in this case = disability employment service.(job network for  people with reduced work capacity as recognised by centrelink)

I went to cenno and got a bit well on my toes almost literally, getting asked stupid questions, then stupider questions then getting my replies pulled apart and questioned.

I was asked why I did not sort this out with job place 

I was asked why I came to centrelink etc etc, had to explain everything. As every hurdle repeated itself, kept having to say, I already showed you copy of the email, which explains ..bla bla ..

anyway , I persisted. was like walking in knee deep mud..

So. told to ring Dept Employment hotline (which job place should have said, but they told me to go to centrelink for a laugh)

i have an appointment with someone one monday who hopefully might have 1/5th of 5/8ths of half a Clue about what I was trying to tell them (pretty simple stuff)

so I rang number (open til 730pm surprisingly) got thru after 15mins

person was helpful and trotted off to ask supervisor by feel of it.

so, the outcome of that was :

  • keep appt with cenno
  • contact place running course for definitive end date for course.
  • (length of course and whether or not its govt approved as 'area of need' v. impt to my 'case' apaz) well I sorta knew from 5mins googling..
  • course Is govt recognised area of need.(well they are funding 75% of fees, so thats also a good sign apaz lol)

After I see cenno, then I go to job place and ask to see manager to put my case that I made with help of the dept that oversees them.

then they either play ball or I can just just contact other providers , telling them I want my study to at least count towards my mutual obligation. If they think they are okay with that then I put in for a transfer to them.

The End. lol.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

okay ,wasnt a final, theres still like games left to play before that @StuF 

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Re: Tabalugas

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Re: Tabalugas


Re: Tabalugas

@tonys Ptf  Naa. My psychologist last year said it was my “Rebel” archetype.

Carl Jung Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst said there are 12 archetypes.

Mine is the Rebel.

This version of me rocked up after my mother died when I was 7.

My psychologist Hora, said it is what stopped me “from having a victim mentality.”

My Rebel is determined that I will find happiness and achieve things, no matter what befalls me. 
(Insert Yosemite Sam catchphrase here)

I was also told that women like me are on Narcissists’ rare species or big game list.

While I could identify a malignant narcissist, ex-fiancé who was not normal. lasted 2 years 6 months, I was 28. I did not have the skills, until recently, to identify a covert narcissist - ex-partner, 13 years and possibly another on again/off again relationship over 10 years. All of them football players/ football executive.

So off came the long blonde hair to a pixie cut. I grabbed the kitchen scissors, hacked it off myself. Photos, letters and cards have been placed in the appropriate recycling. Because I’m not her anymore, those photos, letters and cards were for her, not me.

And …. awwww holy sh!t Tones, your right. I’m actually doing, what I’m doing, for the right reason. Because it’s good for me and I respect my authentic self.

See, told you, that you could read people.

You knew what was doing, before I knew what I was doing.

Holy sh!t! That means I’ve created new neural pathways! 😮 SCIENCE BI76HES! 

Virtual Hi5 and a hug

Farrr out it’s late. I got to run in 5 hours PAHAHA


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Re: Tabalugas


You are priceless! “Sweaty Person Secret Weapon” LOL

If I’m not exerting myself, I don’t sweat. The heat doesn’t bother me, I guess because I sauna most days.
But once I start exerting myself the sweat tap goes on. 
The reclaimed wood I was lugging today was 150mm square pink grain ironwood. 1500mm long. Yeah, I’m all Steel caps, chippies apron, mask and safety glasses.

 I love the grunt work, endorphins - love them. But drops of sweat on newly planed timber is annoying.

 I suddenly had to rip my face mask off LOL It filled with sweat ROFL I couldn’t breathe BAHAHA so funny.

Sweaty person secret weapon - hilarious