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Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, hope your computer starts to work. Think going for shower and clean up.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

Prob my fault but something not right @Meowmy  just woke here

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

So long as he is happy @Oaktree 

Not applicable

Re: Tabalugas

Hello @TAB just checking in on you, mate. I hope the weather outside has made indoors a bit more tolerable. Its started raining lightly here. I'm heading off to sleep, reckon I can turn aircon off now. Hope you are well. I know today has been a rough day for you.  Get some shuteye if you can. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

sorry for carrying on @Former-Member  and thanks. got couple hours sleep. up again. its a bit cooler now. Sleep well . going to watch tv with aircon on me for a while 

Re: Tabalugas

Hi @TAB 

How are you?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

Hi @oceangirl  been better . been really hot here also a bit sick .will be fine in a couple days lol

How are you going ?

Re: Tabalugas

Hi @TAB 

Keep cool and hopefully in a few days feel better. I just worked today and trying to sort out tafe assignment. I had to resubmit an assignment and I couldn't submit on time. I wrote and asked for an extension, no response. The reason being because I had no internet because the service was down in my area for over a week. I asked for her to review it, but no response. What do you think? 


Other then that I am good. I work tomorrow and Sunday.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

Tafe are hopeless , really up  themselves.Have to get her on phone or go see her to pin her down. Sometimes theycould  be sympathetic I guess , but general rule is you have ask Before things are due otherwise they just dont listen,thats same at uni as well. @oceangirl  what was the course again ?

I just enrolled in certIV TAE again ok dift provider, new course now, not getting credit for anything I did 2 years ago with Tafe. It could help me having done that though

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB I could go above her, I think that will be my only option. She gave me someone's contact details, to talk about my progression..Not sure if she can review her decision..I'm doing enrolled nursing. It was impossible for to get to the library, I was working during office hours. 


I did ask before the due date but no response from her. At least I can show I tried before the due date.


What course are you doing? 

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