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Re: Tabalugas

I like the 200ml ones, were $5 /sixpack couple weeks ago, should have got more, back to $9 now.

I didnt know could get cheaper if bought 2 boxes at same time. @Meowmy  course place just rang, said I did 'really well' at reading and numeracy, but failed me on writing a note to a neighbour about a noisy dog.. i had to laugh, i said what do they want me to do, to write a book ?  so might have to do a course on writing ha ha ha lol I said maybe they should read my 55 page Honours Thesis ah ha har lol.....

anyway as have pension card , full fee if get govt concession sorted is $750 they are saying now.. so wasted my time going to Tafe to get cheap fees before ,as looks like can get cheap from private as well re govt concessions lol

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, very good re course. Just cleaned bathroom floor. Had lunch. Chill a bit ha


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

Good afternoon @Meowmy @TAB @greenpea @tonys @Glisten @Bill16 


Hope you're well.


I had group this morning, going to shops after lunch

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

..say it aint so .. @StuF  lol .........

just did ACER test here to get govt subsidy for CERT IV TAE am enrolling in

..failed written English ba ha har lol.................

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

..maybe smash a few zeros  @Meowmy  .. geting warm in kitchen now lol . maybe have shower and go into lounge and put a/c on ha ha lol 37deg and its only really 12pm re daylight saving ha ha ha lol will get to 40 easy  woo hoo !!!....................

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, think cup of tea first. Then may be a bit of kettlebells.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

.last time it was hot had a/c on 24  idk how much power that uses

looked up heat pump water heaters yest, never seen so much rubbish, oh 1kw power in get 5kw heat out ... ffs its a reverse cycle a/c re heat pump ..same thing, just running on heat cycle .. i would like to see how much power one of those uses if water was zero deg ha ha lol @Former-Member 

yes pages full on window foil on ebay some perforated , some not

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

yeah drink water, shower, shave , ok shop for newspaper and iceblock here  @Meowmy 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

So do you need to pass that test before you can get subsidy @TAB ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

ahh, short answer, yes @StuF  my tests will reviewed then either accepted or have to do some bridging course in Pidgin English to make my letters to neighbour about barking dog into essays guess thats what they wanted lol 3 sentences short, to the point not hard oh FAIL >........................ha ha ha har lol maybe was suggested 200 word count that I missed lolo ... or not using big enough words or had to describe the dog in intimate detail and how it made me feel and how the weather was , etc etc .. it was best of times and the worst of times... yeah, verily as I walk into the Valley of the Shadow of Death, dearest neighbour would it perchance please you to quiet your hound, lest I its fat head from body separate .. the End.