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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

gotta get it going yet, but yeah @StuF  see post to @tonys  im knackered hey. done for the day now. oh, while outside , thought open car windows a crack re heat, had left free giveaway windscreen shade off ,was like 10 deg hotter in car lol ... does a good job hey.. can get similar for windows, like foil wrapped bubblewrap

Re: music thread


Guys , its not really music thread, it Tabalugas lol @Glisten @StuF  when I post this , will chance subject to Tabalugas. trick is to look at page numbers, if 6000s is Tabs if 1000s its music thread lol @StuF @Meowmy @Former-Member 

Senior Contributor

Re: tabalugas

@TAB well done tabby re chores. @StuF @tonys @Bill16 hey cool friends, taking easy day here. Hope you're all well


Not applicable

Re: tabalugas

You are so funny @TAB youve clocked up lots of pages. I don't know how we started discussing music on your page. I try and post on the Everything Music thread sorry if I put that here. Got to come up with some more music for you guys on music thread. Will go through my music collection this afternoon. Still got to do a lemon tea from your inspiration but have been so busy today TAB

Senior Contributor

Re: tabalugas

Not much on here @Meowmy 

Just got back from a trip to Bunnings with dad

Senior Contributor

Re: tabalugas

oh I put music here as well and vice versa re music thread @Former-Member  just a bit off-putting when you do not know which thread you are actually in lol

Senior Contributor

Re: tabalugas

just had a nap here @Meowmy  still have decided where to put pool tho lol

Senior Contributor

Re: tabalugas

did you get me the 4 8mm masonry screw bolts  and 8mm masonry bit @StuF  ? lol need them to but last blind up, of course its over the most heat critical window.. ok but once its up will be good, not see through at all like the other bamboo ones lol

Senior Contributor

Re: tabalugas

Nah @TAB 


Didn't even get a snag for our troubles (sure, that's probably only a morning thing, but still)