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Re: Tabaluga's

Good Morning @Former-Member  think going shopping at 'bigtown' soon. slow start to the day here

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Re: Tabaluga's

It should be a nice car drive @TAB it will get you out of the house. Might organise some clothing alterations. Have arranged medications so I'm not out of stock. Had a big sleep last night with incredible lucid dreaming. My bladder has seemed to settle at night which is good. Slept 6 hours straight without having to go to the loo. Incredible. Not much is on today. Lawn mower man may come later. Still reading my little crypto book which has been eye opening. I extended my library loan so won't have to take the books back for another month. Libraries are no longer stuffy places with boring books obviously. I like the fact you can order from within your shire or even Australia wide

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hmm a friend told me some program can use to borrow from any library in aust. @Former-Member  forgotten it, should go to library again soon.

need shower to get me going. slept 3.5hrs then 2hrs at a time

got a week of 37 deg coming up . need to get couple more blinds up and some curtains , even if only temp and re-do later. local hardware shop is selling gift vouchers 20% might get a few hundred dollars worth lol, would get through that easy , garden implements, building fixings and materials , shadecloth etc  a proper axe for next year , wonder if is max? might go $400 or more maybe

anyway , done the old cenno trick of  'slow down to avoid lunch hour at shops' so will hit shops around 1pm when its all nice and quiet again lol

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Re: Tabaluga's

I used to have a food marketing stall at supermarkets and noticed the lull in traffic around lunchtime. Its a great strategy if you want to avoid crowds. Wednesdays the shops are full and people running errands my GP said so the medical clinic is usually quiet on those days. I really hate crowds. There is a smaller shopping precinct by bus which has Aldi, Woolies and chemist. Its near some wetlands with a walking track. I much prefer that than going into the main township. The bus stop is relaxed and the roads are quiet out that way. Tomorrow I think they are opening up the main road where they have been building a bridge so I think commuters will be happy. They are offering free coffee to celebrate. I think lots of people would take them up on that offer @TAB lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@Former-Member  I was just passing through and my eye picked up “food marketing stall”. Curiosity got the better of me. What kind of food marketing stall?

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, taking rest from kettlebell. Room is a bit of mess. Things piling up. Need to sort it soon. Been out to shops. Nothing happening here now. Hope you're okay


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Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @Glisten I used to work for a marketing company that used to install taste tester personnel in supermarkets to promote instore brands. You've probably seen folk like us at stalls. Its nothing special. We just offer the public an opportunity to sample brands they may not have tried before.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thursday not real brilliant unless i went early i forget its pension day, was some kid next to me in supermarket with one hand , he was lookin in same area as me, i looked sideways and saw a stump over the cheese shelves @Former-Member  I got hot too , should have taken water, had to buy from servo before drive home. cheapest was $3 for a litre , us. pay $4 for 10 litres lol sometimes you just have to .. and i still lost the plot sitting behind a train of slow drivers , passed 5 cars at once going up hill doing over 140 going to get notice/caught one day .. after I turned off cops drove past , so if they were 2 mins earlier id be in cop shop getting car and license taken away lol

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Re: Tabaluga's

Mercury retrograde can account for long delays in traffic and being caught up in queues @TAB Whenever there is a mercury retrograde theres always a long queue outside ATMs and someone dithering with cards I've found. Same with traffic everything is S-L-O-W-E-R than normal.  I remember a strange astrological configeration once that set people right off. We were warned by astrologers to expect stranger than usual activity and people were all over the place on the roads, it was a classic!!! Even a shock jock on the radio commented on the bizarre drivers out there on that day driving in traffic mayhem. But yes its good you got home ok with your car not impounded and your drivers licence not revoked, you were lucky.  I take a stainless steel water bottle with me everywhere and fill up before I leave home. I got mine el-cheapo from k-mart. You might want to look into that. They don't cost much and will end up saving you money in the long term.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yes, water bottle a good idea @Former-Member