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Re: Tabaluga's

ive not heard much, but suposed to be big covid outbreak coming again soon @Shaz51 

Re: Tabaluga's

Good morning @Meowmy @TAB @Shaz51 @Bill16 @greenpea @tonys  and all


Wishing you good days

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

onya @StuF  dark and raining here . going back to bed lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah, ideally thats what I would be doing re early and every day. just got to get over niggles to get up to every day again  @deshift  yes, walking easy to avoid but usually always glad when its done

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

Good morning everyone


@TAB @StuF @Shaz51 @Oaktree @greenpea @tonys 


Am about to get the day going after waking up late. Got Woolworths grocery organised for delivery tomorrow and got to put my produce order in from the local farm. I noticed you were a farmer tonys.


I used to get my produce delivered via a subscription packing service but it involved middleman and high overheads and transport costs. Since last year went direct with farmer from permaculture farm. I end up getting more value for money and it feels good to be supporting a local farm. The carbon footprint is also a lot less too. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not sure who made market gardeners farmers @Former-Member  seems to have happened a while ago. Lazy journalists I suppose. if you grow watermelons eg, or fruit /veg , that used to be called a market garden. 

Had to read an article twice yest when some dufus CEO of brickmaker stated 'need foreign fitters and turners to build houses , because fitters and turners and electricians build houses' .. and brain dead journo just quotes it..  

yes, re electricians and houses, but do not see many overseas trained electricians here, ok from UK or South Africa and thats it. and they have to do exams, etc etc , Easier to be  a fake Dr in Queesnland Hospital than to try and pull one over on sparkies as they are unionised and have Rules. to do with safety apparently..

ok this guy might need fitters to work on his broken down 100 yo brick plant, but not what article sai. just sloppy and lazy. people just make things up these days.

Re: Tabaluga's

Howdy @Former-Member @TAB @greenpea @tonys 

Just back from getting bloods done for meds. Tried to buy some N95 masks- can't get them. Got some of the single use surgicals- better than nothing. And bought some more RATs.


Dad's been in hospital since last night. They don't know what's wrong- he'd had diarrhoea last couple of days, he thought it might have been the antibiotics he's on for a nasty cough he developed post covid. Anyway, he started getting the shakes/shivers and got a temp, so mum took him to emergency. They're doing All the tests. Still hasn't been admitted yet - still in emergency. But they Are testing/looking after him.

Hopefully some answers and will visit him later.

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @StuF 


Gosh no N95s is crazy! I mean they are the best protection and all so it's wild you can't get them.

Sorry to hear about your Dad being in hospital and not knowing what's wrong. I hope you hear something really soon.


Take care of yourself


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

hmm yeah should get masks here @StuF  they  are like box of 50 for not much .

thats no good with your father could be anything with those symptoms, maybe bodies defences weakened from covid ?

Hope your day is going okay @Meowmy  isnt it your day off ?? feeling better than when work tfft lol . coffee tea, toast and otc meds. well and shower. got semi dry washing off the line as it was trying to rain. also left car windows slightly open for heat yest, had to close them as well. bit more tidying here , guess. think drive to servo later to get box of water and paper. will now how much they charge then re water lol.

..No blinds up today. prob list for tomorrow s trip to big town, take #2 at spare keys, get more fittings for blinds. if am Really good, go for a swim lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah @hanami  - I tried 3 places for the N95s...hopefully they get back in stock soon!


Thanks re Dad. They're looking after him. And he is getting shifted to a ward soon. Will see him this arvo. Apparently he's improving with IV antibiotics, but they still don't know what's going on.