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Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @Meowmy and good day to you! Was up last night with mosquitoes and researching which essential oils you can use as a deterrant to stop them biting. Used to use lavendar oil successfully but none left. Saw on a mosquito business website a whole page devoted to essential oils. Peppermint oil was recommended seemed good enough put on a cotton wool ball on my night stand and thankfully no mosquitoes buzzing within range. Did not wake up with welts YAY. Got to go through old aromatherapy I've left in my fridge and in the new year focus on getting just a basics essential kit that covers all bases. You don't need a stack of essential oils. It would be nice but a basic kit has a multitude of uses. 

Re: Tabaluga's

Good morning @Meowmy @TAB @Former-Member @Glisten @MDT @Bill16 @tonys 


Not exactly firing on all cylinders here, but I'll try more caffeine soon... lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

tell me about it @StuF  was so close to ringing DES saying not coming

Re: Tabaluga's

I hope it goes well @TAB 

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Re: Tabaluga's

A caffeine hit always goes down well @StuF hopefully you will perk up soon. Don't know what i'm doing today. Waiting for my 2024 diary to arrive so I can do some astrological entries. It will give me something to do. Also gotta ring Officeworks about a document print run which has been delayed for some reason

Re: Tabaluga's

Hiya @Former-Member 


I just read about your mozzies. Sounds like you got them under control in the end?

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Re: Tabaluga's

Yes @StuF I use aromatherapy in summer to combat mozzies. The smell of certain types of essential oils disorient them and they won't come near you. I don't do mozzie sprays as they have DEET in them. I have quite a few oils that have lasted over many years in my fridge. The screwtop lids haven't congealed yet but they are near their useby date so will be using the oils up over summer. My favorite oil would have to be pink pepper - its what aromatherapy relaxation massage salons use to create the right ambiance. How is the coffee situation going BTW? 

Re: Tabaluga's

Sounds good @Former-Member  🙂


I just cracked open a can of V lol


Bad, I know, but it does the job!

Re: Tabaluga's

@GlistenLove you are bonding with your daughter, putting together a flatpack. I have still one in the garage waiting for my son to get interested in putting together ... It will probably wait now til he moves into a new place....


@tonys Love French cafe ambience.


 @MDT @Former-Member @StuF @Meowmy and the gang ...


I am going opshopping with my son ... cos the toys are usually better constructed in ye olden days .... honest to God! lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Our @Shaz51 is one tough bird to survive as she has.  Love you Bella.


@tonys Can I pinch your line ... and 'everybody pacing the street' .... has a good ring.