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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yes, been done by me @StuF  another one is to spread the cake with butter, thats just luxury ... yeah ha ha no moping okay

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

did you get a 10 gallon keg @Bill16  ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..just off to shops here @StuF @Bill16  hope your friend turned up @Meowmy 

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah hope all goes well. My blood draw went without any dramas, the technician said the blood came out easily which is something it never did in all my years of having pathology tests. They used to say drink lots of water in the morning prior yet the blood was still persistently thick. Its all flowing now I credit it to blood irradiation. Have seen videos of sluggish arteries before and after 90 days of irradiation. I think my blood is the same now @TAB The technicians used to really struggle going from one arm to the next as well as the tops of my hands. It was like this ever since we began, It was quite surprising she got the vein first time and the blood just flowed easily. Must have had really toxic blood! 

Re: Tabaluga's

Nah man @TAB just smashing 8 percent pints 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well so as it tastes okay but yeah @Bill16  think produce a few on myself shortly , well after go to shops. got to clean mower  and put away. Dont think that requires being sober ... ha haha @StuF 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

its probably the walking and weight coming off that helps w bloods @Former-Member  think like a kilometre of extra blood vessels for every extra 10kg...

Re: Tabaluga's

Nice one @Bill16 !

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes thats true too @TAB I never thought of it that way.  We do have lots of blood vessels that stretch that far. The intestines are the same in terms of length. They would fill half a tennis court I read in a naturopathic book once.  What are you doing today? I've made my weetbix slice and have been watching some journalism. I did see something today from a naturopathic doctor in my e-mails that oedema can be due electrolyte deficiency, not necessarily heart related. You could always drink some coconut water each day as that has electrolytes in it perhaps? 

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

See my previous message. I just saw this @TAB on Dr Google. It may be relevant to you in alcohol causing fluid retention and electrolytes being excreted from your body.

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