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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

a bit wonky today @Former-Member  BP a bit funny, about to do again. 

Hope your shopping goes okay.

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Re: Tabaluga's

BP a bit low? @TAB those blood thinners could be making it worse.  Have you checked with your BP monitor?  I hope you are ok. Wish you had people around you so you are not so alone.  Its a shame folks don't follow up with you. Nurse On Call (Australia-wide) is available TAB I use them when in doubt about health and don't want to leave it to chance 1300 606 024. They can provide relevant advice so you don't feel all alone saddled with something you don't know what to do about. They are a great backstop. But you need people around you. I think we all do...

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

was 120/100 odd reading  usually somewhere around 130/95 ish @Former-Member   did few more times , its ok enough Thanks.

Just bought replacement power lead for circular saw got given, going to fix it clean it up and sell it. way too big and powerful for me its 235mm bl@de 185 ok for me and its very heavy. still, a good model if you are actually doing heavy  joists or whatever made in japan Makita, might get $100 for it lol then get cheap small chinese one for me to use lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

awwww w @Glisten  wish I could share it lol  reminds me of when lost fave wrishwatch in primary school, found it months later down the side of the bed against wall ha ha .. the best feeling ... maybe I should celebrate .. ha ha was going to stay indoors today lol..

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Re: Tabaluga's

Thats good your BP is OK.  I wish mine had of been at those levels in years gone by.  Am off to organise some lunch. Make sure to have regular meals and enough fluids @TAB throughout the day. Regular habits will support your body. I have to force myself to have a daytime routine like regular people do.


Sometimes I fall off the wagon but just need to get back on again. None of us are perfect 🙂 When you have regular habits and structure your body and mind respond. Mental illness is a vata constitutional problem and vata always, always, always responds to healthful routines. Let your body's innate healing intelligence support you ❤️ and give you a solid standing. A simple thing like this yields maximum  benefits, but you wouldn't necessarily know.  

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

okay thanks @Former-Member  I was up briefly at 5am but did not feel up to walking re routines, but yeah, need to get it back. 'Owning' the mornings

Re: Tabaluga's

@Former-Member @TAB @Meowmy @Bill16 

Home from work. I have no idea what I'm doing this afternoon...not looking like a lot! lol


I wish you all good afternoons 🙂

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Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @StuF good-o you're back from work. I went for a walk in the sunshine and organised lunch. Am about to sit outside for some lovely warmth.  I love it when you can go outdoors in this weather and feel so enlivened. Jasmine is blooming everywhere, it must be my favorite scent. OK off I go. Hoping your afternoon is good. I know you had a mood shift yesterday, hoping it isn't intending to linger around a lot

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

just had shower here @StuF  been tidying up a bit, looking up manuals to try and fix circular saw got given, found $1000 cash in envelope had forgotten lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Score on the envelope @TAB !!!