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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks @Jynx  if gets too much will read notifications only and/or have a break from screen

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah man @TAB 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

google sez Titan can be 600hp @Bill16  also says Volvo bought them out 20 years ago, who knew..

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

I'm wanting things to shift a bit but with all these planets retrograde we seem to be going back over old ground with me too @TAB


Was hoping to attend a Zoom meeting today but I think I will put it off.


Have been learning more and more about crypto. Heart/Brain coherence meditation has really improved my ability to think, have memory retention and grasp concepts more readily. I can actually understand the crypto exchange but have to probably go back over previous lessons. I'm satisfied with my ability to digest new ideas and learn unfamiliar things.


Don't know what you do about money. I am in the same boat on my disability pension.


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well, stop spending it re money @Former-Member  lol or get some sort of suitable paid employment .

Peer Support Worker

Re: Tabaluga's

There's actually a setting for it @TAB


If you click your profile pic top right and go to settings then navigate to this page, you can uncheck the box:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 171434.png



The IT team are going to investigate this as a global function for all members, cos I pointed out that it could be super confusing (esp for new members) if you click on a page and accidentally end up replying to a post that's like 3 years old 😅


Thanks again for pointing this out to us! Super valuable for us in continuing to make the forums easier to navigate 👍

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

look i;m not in frame of mind to deal with this right now @Jynx  I knew someone would say the answer you just gave, hence I mentioned I had already looked there...

.... Further .. the newest post Does come up first, so that is irrelevant.

to repeat.

.. the posts Are in order. oldest post farthest from one it opens at. it opens and page 1 tho, not 5000

the page numbers are backwards

Peer Support Worker

Re: Tabaluga's

Sure thing @TAB will leave it for now. TY for the info mate, sorry for the headache it's caused. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I unticked the box for  fits and giggles @Jynx  makes No difference. 🤔

Peer Support Worker

Re: Tabaluga's

Good to know, ty @TAB