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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

oh @Former-Member  re energy etc, need a plan here. could not believe power like 20% dearer here than WA, but just got email today saying next bill going up another 30% one hit ..

I was paying 27c/kw in Perth. Was .34c here, thought bit rude. , now will be .44c, was thinking get rid of gas and go all elect ba ha lucky have gas now, as dear as it is lol...

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

it went okay for being in not the best state @Meowmy  went to salvos to look at furniture as only ope friday mornings. was crappy mostly , but tore 1 of my 2 ok tops trying to get between robes ha ha Oh well

Re: Tabaluga's

I have this weird feeling you are referencing a bracelet I researched a while ago @Former-Member I don't recall the name. Has mechanism inside it. Quite expensive. People claimed many healing affects from it. I wonder if it is same one? 


First I tried 'lip flip'. 



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Re: Tabaluga's

Hopefully its the blood thinners. So youre off them now? @TAB 


Yes have come across tallow, its being used as a skincare cream, not just for eating it only.  If you can't buy moisturiser during an economic crisis you can make it with tallow!  People from yesteryear used to use tallow as moisturiser. Have seen you tube videos on how to make your own moisturiser out of tallow.  Its also an anti-anxiety product, a bit like ayurvedic abhyanga where you use warm oil to apply to skin - very soothing to the nervous system hence anti-anxiety. Have seen a nutritionist who lives with anxiety promoting tallow moisturiser. You can buy it manufactured but its expensive.  Make it yourself for pennies.


Hello @Meowmy you'll be almost finished for the day.  You obviously keep quite active which is good!

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Sounds like dripping @Former-Member  guess it is .. ie just keep fat from roast

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Re: Tabaluga's

Ah I bought it years ago and its still going. Got it from a site dedicated to the late Dr. Fred Bell. Its worth every penny now that I come to think of it. Would rather be at the earth's schumanns resonance than anywhere else. Theres so much electro pollution and space weather. Its lasted me over 10 years.  I'd rather enjoy this level of wellbeing than not @StanD 

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Re: Tabaluga's

I think you can go to any butcher and ask for beef briskett - its considered a waste product so not much cost. I don't know about how you go about rendering fat off an ordinary meal.  It has to be filtered somehow. Don't know how it would work. Heres the commercial brand of moisturiser I've seen @TAB : <image>


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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @Bill16 hey cool friends, done work for the day. Having a stroll nearby shops. May get a coffee. Hope you're both okay.


Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, home now. Settling in for the long weekend 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @Meowmy had huge nap here, just up now, checking emails, got a new heater guy ha ha 😁