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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB narcissists tend to have explosive tempers.  Is he a steroid-user gym junkie? Theres such a thing as "Roid Rage" as steroids can make people fly off the handle at the slightest thing. My brother took steroids and you can't have a civil conversation with him

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

He spends most of his time on his own. He used to drink really badly @Former-Member  prob brain damage

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes it can happen. He must have been a very unhappy soul wanting to escape reality. It affects the liver and can make people violent.  My grandfather was an alcoholic and was brutal with my dad when he was a child. I inherited my grandfathers liver and DNA. I had to do epigenetics work to clear what was held in the DNA @TAB 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Ok well he doesn't drink anymore just seems too late sometimes @Former-Member 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Thats good @Oaktree  enjoy your sausage roll


Re: Tabaluga's

Hi guys, what’s new?

I did some gardening yesterday. Planted some carrots and garlic chives. Also trying to grow cucumbers out of season but they are in a tub sitting on concrete so it may work. I guess we’ll see.

I understand about the lack of money and trying to garden. I really need to buy new soil to plant into. 
I bet you can’t wait to get into your new house @TAB 

Heaters are a good idea to make a priority as the really cold weather is only a month away.


@Former-Member @Bill16 @Meowmy @StuF 

Re: Tabaluga's

What's happening @Oaktree took the Jeep for a run

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Good luck with growing vegetables @Oaktree 

Hmm just trying to plan as much as anything so far re house 

Got tiny rainwater tank could plant herbs under tap for 'free' water etc

Vaguely thinking communities re getting cheap meat, work maybe ok volunteering perhaps

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @Bill16 hey cool friends, hope you're both well. Just sitting chilling. Made a flask of warm coffee. Take care


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Sounds nice @Meowmy  sunny here but close to being cold